- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 自費の集計先変更(入院対応) azu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt: TODOファイルの追加。 noboru
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 特定入院料算定時の入院料加算判定を追加 azu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 特定入院料算定時の入院料加算判定を追加 azu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 画像診断フィルム料(乳幼児)加算の表示の修正 fujihara
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院点滴一括変更の算定履歴更新追加 tatano
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 伝票作成区分のセットを追加 azu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca33, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 定期請求処理修正(診療年月と処理日の表示を修正) ota
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 入院会計テーブルが存在しない場合、請求データの作成中止 azu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 入院会計テーブルが存在しない場合、請求データの作成中止 azu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療行為入院訂正時の回数更新修正 tatano
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療行為入院登録修正 tatano
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: テスト患者を処理対象外に、老人保健の対象年齢修正 hisanaga
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 入院会計作成済みの判定 azu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 入院会計作成済みの判定 azu
- 2003/02/02 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: DBBackup debconf (templete,config) files fixed. kida
- 2003/02/03 [cvs] dbbackup, dbbackup/debian: Readme,postinst files fixed. kida
- 2003/02/03 [cvs] jma-receipt: VERSION 1.0.1 -> 1.0.3 tosihiko
- 2003/02/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: MCPAREAのINITIALIZEをコメント化 ota
- 2003/02/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: SRYACCT-KEY15追加 ota
- 2003/02/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 退院処理時診療行為チェック追加 ota
- 2003/02/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: 会計テーブルチェック時のエラーメッセージを修正 ota
- 2003/02/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca02, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 最終行に改行を追加 ota
- 2003/02/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: FLG-SANTEI重複削除 tatano
- 2003/02/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL コンパイルエラーの修正 azu
- 2003/02/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 条件文訂正 tsutomu
- 2003/02/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 条件文訂正 tsutomu
- 2003/02/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 2重定義修正 takeda
- 2003/02/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: 条件文修正 tatano
- 2003/02/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 条件文修正 tatano
- 2003/02/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: copy句登録もれ ota
- 2003/02/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 最終診療日の編集の追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 条件文修正 fujihara
- 2003/02/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 検査入院時の同時算定チェックをはずした、入力の自動逓減追加 tatano
- 2003/02/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 複合条件修正 hisanaga
- 2003/02/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/02/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 病棟管理情報にレセプト表示区分を追加 ota
- 2003/02/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 加算があるとき検査をまとめない fujihara
- 2003/02/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院時検査剤分離修正 tatano
- 2003/02/04 [cvs] dbbackup, dbbackup/jma-receipt-dbbackup/script:, fixed. kida
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca36, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 入院中/退院済の状態を検索条件に追加 ota
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 老人チェックに原爆公費単独をはずす tatano
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 異常終了時に患者番号を表示するよう修正 ota
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: エラー処理修正 ota
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 剤まとめ対応等 tsutomu
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: 画面作成について追加 noboru
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt: TODO更新 noboru
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca34, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 自院歴作成機能追加 ota
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: key12,13の条件を修正 ota
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: コラムリスト歴作成データの表示を修正 ota
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: 使用可能 widget追加 noboru
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 公費単独老人チェックをはずす tatano
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 老人判定修正 tatano
- 2003/02/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 患者確定前でも前月/次月ボタンが有効となるよう修正 ota
- 2003/02/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/scripts: directory ファイルは $LDDIRECTORY から取得できるように変更 noboru
- 2003/02/06 [cvs] jma-receipt: 必要なソフトを補間 noboru
- 2003/02/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 他院歴作成後の会計次月作成の不具合対応 azu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 剤まとめ対応 tsutomu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: 剤まとめ対応 tsutomu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: NYUINACCT-KEY17 追加 tatano
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: NYUINACT-KEY17追加 tatano
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 剤まとめ対応等 tsutomu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 剤まとめ対応 tsutomu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 剤まとめ対応等 tsutomu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTNYUINRRK-KEY16,17追加 ota
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTNYUINRRK-KEY16,17追加 ota
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 剤まとめ対応 tsutomu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 通算日数取得サブ追加 ota
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 自院歴作成データも通算日数の対象とする ota
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 剤まとめ対応 tsutomu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 剤まとめ対応 tsutomu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 入院履歴の通算日数算定の修正 azu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院調剤料一括更新追加 tatano
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院調剤料回数入力追加 tatano
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSCHOZAI.CBL追加 tatano
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 入院調剤料変更追加 tatano
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: J02 入院調剤変更追加 tatano
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 退院時診療行為チェック修正 ota
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: CLAIM移動中止 tatano
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/lddef: 診療科別医薬品使用量統計追加 morirei
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院調剤料修正 tatano
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自費保険の課税対応 tsutomu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自費保険の課税対応 tsutomu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院会計読み込みに修正 tsutomu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 老人保健のチェック、初診入力日の病名チェック部分修正 hisanaga
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: 命名規約を追加 takeda
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 初診入力日の病名チェック部分を修正 hisanaga
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 保険適用外の注射薬剤修正 azu
- 2003/02/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 保険適用外の注射薬剤修正 azu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: FORMLISTにHCMG001.red追加 morirei
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院調剤料自動追加 tatano
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCSCHOZAI.INC修正 tatano
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: SRYACCT-KEY16追加 morirei
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入外区分固定 tatano
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 一般病床数チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 一般病床数追加 tatano
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 一般病床数追加 tatano
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 一般病床数追加 tatano
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 一般病床数追加 tatano
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca00: 一般病床数追加 tatano
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 調剤料の一括更新追加 azu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/screen: 定期請求区分追加 ota
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 調剤料の一括更新追加 azu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: ORCGI51.CBL 調剤料の一括対応 azu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCT0010.CBL 調剤料の一括対応 azu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0600.CBL 調剤料の一括対応 azu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0600.CBL 調剤料の一括対応 azu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 入院調剤料の一括更新 azu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 入院調剤料の一括更新 azu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 入院調剤料の一括更新 azu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: ORCGI51.CBL 入院調剤料の一括更新 azu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCT0010.CBL 入院調剤料の一括更新 azu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 老人の自費保険時、フラグクリア tsutomu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 老人の自費保険時、フラグクリア tsutomu
- 2003/02/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 公費単独時の食事療養費修正 tsutomu
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 麻酔時間外加算計算修正、自費剤分離修正 tatano
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: CLAIME情報修正 tatano
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: CLAIM情報修正 tatano
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCSCHOZA.INC修正 tatano
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院調剤料修正 tatano
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/form: 医療機関名称欄拡大 tsutomu
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 医療機関名拡大 tsutomu
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/form: 医療機関名拡大 tsutomu
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: テスト患者を処理対象外にする部分の修正 hisanaga
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入力コード半角記号入力追加 tatano
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBG001.CBL修正 morirei
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca52: ORCG01.CBL変更 morirei
- 2003/02/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 労災:電話再診コメント対応 tsutomu
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 労災:画像診断フィルム料(乳幼児)加算の表示の修正 tsutomu
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 食事標準負担減額日追加、患者複写更新チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 食事標準負担減額日追加 tatano
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 食事標準負担減額日追加 tatano
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 食事標準負担減額日追加 tatano
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 退院時翌月削除 tatano
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: ラベル名称変更(食事標準負担減額開始日->長期入院該当年月日) ota
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: メッセージ修正 tatano
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 低所得者食事減額対応 tsutomu
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 低所得者食事減額対応 tsutomu
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 初診料算定日修正 tatano
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 訂正時の初診算定日修正 tatano
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 法別番号チェック区分を追加した。 tosihiko
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 法別番号チェック区分を追加した。 tosihiko
- 2003/02/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 保険番号マスタ更新:法別番号チェック区分を追加した。 tosihiko
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC02.CBL 入力CD検索からのカルテ病名の編集追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 法別番号チェック区分追加 tatano
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca104: 法別番号チェック区分追加 tatano
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 法別番号チェック区分追加 tatano
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 法別番号チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 法別番号チェック区分追加 tatano
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: fujihara
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: レセプト印刷画面に情報結果画面を追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: レセプト印刷画面に処理結果画面を追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 請求管理削除キー修正 tsutomu
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 保険番号マスタ更新追加 tatano
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: V01 クリア追加 tatano
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca104: 保険番号マスタ一括入力へ変更、複写追加処理の追加 tatano
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCGI44.CBLに合成したため hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCGI44.CBLに合成したため hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCGI44.CBLに合成したため hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCGI44.CBLに合成したため hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCGI44.CBLに合成したため hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCGI44.CBLに合成したため hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 自院採用の中止 hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 自院採用の中止のため hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI44.CBLに合成 hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI44.CBLに合成 hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI44.CBLに合成 hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI44.CBLに合成 hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI44.CBLに合成 hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI44.CBLに合成 hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ソース合成のため hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 合成のため hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 自院採用の中止 hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 自院採用の中止 hisanaga
- 2003/02/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 自院採用の中止 hisanaga
- 2003/02/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 公費優先での負担計算 tsutomu
- 2003/02/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 判定文修正 tatano
- 2003/02/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HC06V01.dia HCM06V01.red修正 morirei
- 2003/02/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 新患者番号ゼロずめ修正 tatano
- 2003/02/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: カルテ続紙印刷用修正 tatano
- 2003/02/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCGI4A.INC〜ORCGI4G.INCを削除 hisanaga
- 2003/02/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/02/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 未実施減算のカウントクリア tsutomu
- 2003/02/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0035.CBL 公費分離区分のセットを修正 azu
- 2003/02/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0650.CBL 公費分離区分のセットを修正 azu
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca33, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 月3回までに分けて定期請求を可能とする対応 ota
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 定期請求情報画面修正 ota
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 入院料未入力チェック追加 ota
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 薬剤使用量統計修正 tatano
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 薬剤使用量統計修正 tatano
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 月末指定時の不具合修正等 ota
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 病名患者名変更 tatano
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 病名患者氏名修正 tatano
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 画像診断のフィルム料を手技点数2へ tatano
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/claim/rb: ヘッダ記述誤り修正 takeda
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts: *def *xml は INSTAL_DATA でインストールする noboru
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 画像診断フィルム料一括変更 tatano
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: SRYACCT-KEY17 追加 tatano
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/claim/rb: ヘッダ記述誤り修正 takeda
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: SRYACCT-KEY17追加 tatano
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: Makefile 画像診断フィルム料変更プロ追加 azu
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: 画像診断フィルム料変更プロ追加 azu
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBMGZU.CBL テスト条件の削除 azu
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者登録保険チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/02/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 72300円超の限度額の端数対応 tsutomu
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record: 病室削除時の不具合を修正 ota
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca104: 受給者検証番号区分エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 入院請求データについては取消可とする ota
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 画像診断フィルム料一括変更修正 tatano
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 療養担当手当追加 tatano
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 療養担当手当追加 tatano
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 療養担当手当追加 tatano
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 療養担当手当自動発生追加 tatano
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 療養担当手当追加 tatano
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 療養担当手当自動発生追加、約束セットの名称編集修正 tatano
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 薬剤使用量統計修正 tatano
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 特定入院料算定時の入院料加算チェック追加 azu
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca34, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 参照項目として入院日を追加 ota
- 2003/02/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 特定入院料算定時の入院料加算チェック追加(次月会計作成時) azu
- 2003/02/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院調剤料算定修正 tatano
- 2003/02/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者コピー時の補助区分チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/02/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 病棟画面で修正した内容が画面に反映されなかった不具合を修正 ota
- 2003/02/20 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/02/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 外泊日コメント編集対応等 tsutomu
- 2003/02/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者番号入力の拡張構成チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/02/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 施設基準のチェックを修正 hisanaga
- 2003/02/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 定期請求が月末指定時の退院処理を修正 ota
- 2003/02/20 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 退院取消時の会計作成日を修正 azu
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBG001.CBL作業領域数量修正 morirei
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCXSMST1 は .so を作らないように修正 noboru
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中途終了の撮影回数編集の修正 tatano
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 薬剤情報帳票画像サイズ修正 morirei
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca02: 添字変更 hisanaga
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 名称変更の表示部分変更 hisanaga
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: 項目の2重定義を修正 ota
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTNYUINRRK-ALL追加 ota
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: 月途中で定期請求区分を変更された場合の対応 ota
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 月途中で定期請求区分を変更されたときの対応 ota
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/screen: 会計照会遷移ボタンを暫定的に修正 ota
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/screen: 会計照会遷移ボタンを暫定的に修正 ota
- 2003/02/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院料加算単独入力修正 tatano
- 2003/02/24 [cvs] jma-receipt: OpenCOBOL 0.9以降のコボルオプション修正 noboru
- 2003/02/24 Re: [cvs] jma-receipt: OpenCOBOL 0.9以降のコボルオプション修正 Noboru Saitou
- 2003/02/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 頁数が数字以外の時のチェック追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 外泊日等のコメント編集 tsutomu
- 2003/02/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 入院料加算の算定追加 azu
- 2003/02/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 入院料加算の算定追加 azu
- 2003/02/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 請求点の編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/02/25 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/02/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目多重定義を修正 ota
- 2003/02/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 再請求区分を削除 ota
- 2003/02/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 不要なDISPLAYを削除 ota
- 2003/02/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 再請求区分を削除 ota
- 2003/02/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 有効期間を表示するよう修正 ota
- 2003/02/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: key15の誤り修正 hisanaga
- 2003/02/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: key18追加 hisanaga
- 2003/02/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTNYUINRRK−KEY18追加 hisanaga
- 2003/02/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 指定科の表示変更 hisanaga
- 2003/02/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 指定科の表示変更 hisanaga
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ドクター、診療科件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ドクター、診療科件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療科件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ドクター、診療科件数変更、行オーバーチェック追加他 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: ドクター、診療科件数変更、行オーバー修正 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 件数修正 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSDRSET.CBL追加 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCSDRSET.INC追加 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: チェック画面修正 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療科件数変更、チェック画面修正 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療科件数修正、チェック画面修正 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 診療科件数変更、チェック画面修正 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 画像診断計算修正 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 画像診断修正 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 重複名称修正 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療科件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療科件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療科、ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 診療科、ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療科、ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 診療科、ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: 診療科、ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca18: ドクター表示桁数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 科別表示の範囲変更 hisanaga
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 科別表示の範囲変更 hisanaga
- 2003/02/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 科別表示の範囲変更 hisanaga
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: ドクター、診療科件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: ドクター、診療科件数変更 tatano
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ドクター、診療科件数修正 tatano
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 判定エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: ConnectionInfo::SSH_DEFAULT_OPT: add yuya
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: require 'getoptlong' yuya
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: use /home/orca/.ssh/id.nopass for ssh identity file when it exists yuya
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: yuya
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: misc fixes: "\t" -> " ", calling class methods for "::" yuya
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 入院レセカスタマイズプログラム名の追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院レセカスタマイズプログラム名の追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen, jma-receipt/record: 入院レセカスタマイズプログラム名の追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: パラメタにプリンタ名の追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: パラメタにプリンタ名を追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: 入院レセカスタマイズプログラム名の追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 入院レセカスタマイズプログラムの追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 退院日のときの表示条件修正 hisanaga
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: renamed tunnel-client.init.d -> tunnel.client.init yuya
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: merged debconf version yuya
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: removed yuya
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: removed yuya
- 2003/02/27 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: yuya
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療科件数修正 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療科件数修正 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 診療科件数修正 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 同一月での退院発生の表示変更 hisanaga
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 収納明細−診療科更新 ota
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 入院レセ病棟区分・低所得情報等追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 入院対応 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院対応 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 公費請求書DB追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: env LC_ALL: set 'C' yuya
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: tbl_kohsky add fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院対応、公費請求書DBの追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca43: 入院対応 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 病棟区分・低所得情報等の追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 公費請求書DB追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 補助区分追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 補助区分追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 補助区分、公費請求書DB等の追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 公費請求書削除追加 tatano
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 登録ボタンを削除 ota
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 補助区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 収納明細−診療科設定 ota
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 収納明細−診療科更新 ota
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 剤番号5桁から8桁へ tsutomu
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 剤番号5桁から8桁へ tsutomu
- 2003/02/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ピリオド位置訂正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 排他制御関連モジュール追加 takeda
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 剤番号桁修正対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 剤番号桁修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: 排他制御用DBの追加 takeda
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 診療科数10から20へ変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療科数10から20へ変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 添え字エラー等修正 fujihara
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record: 排他制御用システム管理画面追加対応 takeda
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 不要なチェック削除 fujihara
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 排他制御用システム管理画面追加 takeda
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 剤番号修正対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 剤番号修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orca00: 排他制御用SPA領域設定 takeda
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca19, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 排他制御用定義体追加 takeda
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 療養病棟環境加算の設定方法を変更 ota
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt: OpenCOBOL version update. noboru
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 多重定義を修正 ota
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 排他管理DB更新誤り修正 takeda
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 再印刷機能の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: 再印刷機能の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca01: レセプトの追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: パラメタを20から40に変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: パラメタを20から40に変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 再印刷ボタンの追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 再印刷機能の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: マスタ更新業務:検査分類追加 tosihiko
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: マスタ更新業務:検査分類追加 tosihiko
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: マスタ更新業務:検査分類追加 tosihiko
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: マスタ更新業務:検査分類追加 tosihiko
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 出力桁の範囲誤り修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 薬剤情報提供書:画像パス名サイズ変更 tosihiko
- 2003/03/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 薬剤情報提供書:画像パス名サイズ変更 tosihiko
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 点滴一括変更修正 tatano
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 点滴一括変更修正 tatano
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCSTENTEKI.INC修正 tatano
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 複数科まとめ追加 tatano
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 複数科まとめ追加 tatano
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 複数科まとめ追加 tatano
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 複数科まとめ追加 tatano
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 複数科まとめ追加 tatano
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 収納テーブル変更 tatano
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 収納テーブル変更 tatano
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: レセプト再印刷機能追加による印刷済フラグ・プリンタ名の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: レセプト再印刷機能の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: レセプト再印刷機能の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 印刷済フラグ・プリンタ名の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: レセプト再印刷機能の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 労災・自賠責レセプト再印刷機能の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca104: 保険者マスタ入力チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: カナチェックの空白のときの処理 fujihara
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: カナチェックの時の空白の処理 fujihara
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険、公費削除入力後カーソル移動修正 tatano
- 2003/03/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目属性変更 (char -> byte) ota
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: カナチェックの時の空白の処理 fujihara
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: カナチェック時の空白の処理 tsutomu
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: ファイル名修正 tatano
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ファイル名修正 tatano
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ファイル名修正 tatano
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 点滴レセ編集 tsutomu
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 点滴レセ編集 tsutomu
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 予約画面 tatano
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: マスタ更新業務:症状措置機序 tosihiko
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: マスタ更新業務:症状措置機序 tosihiko
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: Ptnyuinrrk−key19の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: Ptnyuinrrk−kry19の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: レセプトコメントに入外区分を追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: レセプトコメントに入外区分を追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: レセプトコメントに入外区分を追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入外区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 入外区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: 排他制御追加 tatano
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 排他制御追加 tatano
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: 排他制御追加 tatano
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 排他制御追加 tatano
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 入退院登録−異動取消機能を追加/入院歴の表示を修正 ota
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 入院歴表示区分を追加 ota
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record: 収納一覧表追加 morirei
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 全科表示で入院日以前の日数情報変更のため hisanaga
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 全科表示で入院日以前の日数情報変更、室料差額のクリア処理を中止 hisanaga
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 点滴レセ編集 tsutomu
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 点滴レセ編集 tsutomu
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: カーソル移動位置修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 添字の誤りを修正 ota
- 2003/03/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 排他制御情報追加 ota
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 収納一覧表作業領域修正 morirei
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: 排他制御修正 tatano
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: SELECT修正 tatano
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 保険の3歳未満負担率判定修正 tatano
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 添字操作の移動 azu
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 添字エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 添字エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 排他制御処理追加 tatano
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: (入院外)表示 morirei
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 通算日数を関数より取得するよう修正 ota
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: レセコメント入外区分追加他 tatano
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 入院通算日数のカウントを修正 azu
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 排他制御対応 ota
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 処方せん19明細印刷修正他 tatano
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目属性変更 ota
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院総括対応 fujihara
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca44: 入院総括対応 fujihara
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 入院総括対応 fujihara
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 点滴注射のまとめ計算 azu
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院総括の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 入院総括の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 添字エラー修正他 tatano
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 添字エラー等修正 tatano
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 点滴薬剤の点数まとめ azu
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 点滴薬剤の点数まとめ azu
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 点滴薬剤の点数まとめ(コメント追加) azu
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/record: SYUMEI-KEY4に入外区分追加 morirei
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: Rececomに入外区分が追加のため修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 索引ファイル編集修正 ota
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 点滴まとめ時にSPA−HOSPIDをセット azu
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 初診再診時のコメント表示対応等 tsutomu
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 同一剤まとめ修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 減算表示△を▲に変更 tsutomu
- 2003/03/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: コメント文訂正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 点滴手技料自動発生の訂正時修正 tatano
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 点滴コメント編集 tsutomu
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 排他制御機能追加 ota
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 排他制御修正 tatano
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 添字誤り修正 ota
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 未実施減算略称追加 tsutomu
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 添字エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療科数の変更・レセプト記載外公費情報の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 診療科数の変更・レセプト記載外の公費情報の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/lddef: 収納一覧表(入院)追加 morirei
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: 予約カーソル移動修正、ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 他端末からの処理時の対応 fujihara
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 履歴修正時のチェックを修正 ota
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 未入力時のチェック追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: エラーメッセージ修正 tatano
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 排他制御の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: チェック表示修正 tatano
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 退院時の帳票発行コンボの初期値をシステム管理で設定できるよう修正 ota
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 在総診対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0630.CBL 点滴薬剤まとめ対応 azu
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: TERMID 32 to 64 changes. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca13: TERMID 32 to 64 changes. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: TERMID 32 to 64 changes. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: TERMID 32 to 64 changes. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: TERMID 32 to 64 changes. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: TERMID 32 to 64 changes. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: TERMID 32 to 64 changes. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: TERMID 32 to 64 changes. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca44: TERMID 32 to 64 changes. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: TERMID 32 to 64 changes. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: TERMID 32 to 64 changes. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: TERMID 32 to 64 changes. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca00: TERMID 32 to 64 changes. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目長変更 ota
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca00: 端末IDの設定方法を変更した tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: TERMID変更、項目長変更 tatano
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 帳票発行区分追加 ota
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 75歳以上の警告修正他 tatano
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ファイル削除CALL関数追加 tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目長変更 ota
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目長変更 ota
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 食事区分追加対応等 tsutomu
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 排他制御機能の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: TERMIDの領域指定なし morirei
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 請求書印刷修正他 tatano
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca00: TERMID修正 tatano
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/init: オリジナルダンプ更新 tosihiko
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: TERMID変更 ota
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: TERMID項目長変更 ota
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 診療科数変更 tsutomu
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: logopen: add yuya
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 診療科数変更 tsutomu
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: style fixed yuya
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 診療科数変更 tsutomu
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ファイル削除追加 tatano
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目長変更 ota
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 削除 tatano
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ファイル削除追加 tatano
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: ファイル削除追加 tatano
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: alive?: add yuya
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: stop: add pid file checking yuya
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: yuya
- 2003/03/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 紹介患者加算の摘要欄編集対象コードの追加等 tsutomu
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca00: TERMID修正 tatano
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: ファイル削除追加 tatano
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca44: TERMID変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: TERMID変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: TERMID変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 画面遷移修正 tatano
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: 画面遷移修正 tatano
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record: 選定療養費対応 ota
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 送り先追加 tatano
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: TERMID変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 紹介患者加算の摘要対象追加 tsutomu
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: コメント追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 無床診療所の場合、入院画面情報を表示しない ota
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ファイル削除追加 ota
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: TERMID変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 選定療養費追加 tatano
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: PARA削除 tatano
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: PARA削除 tatano
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: マスタ更新業務:相互作用追加 tosihiko
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 次月ボタンでの選定療養剤作成 azu
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: マスタ更新業務:相互作用追加 tosihiko
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: マスタ更新業務:相互作用追加 tosihiko
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca36, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 入院患者照会 -> 入退院登録遷移追加 ota
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 小児科外来診療料修正 tatano
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 小児科外来診察料判定修正 tatano
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ユーザー登録(フィルム)のレセプト適用欄の修正 fujihara
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 入院料加算の算定変更 azu
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 入院料加算の算定変更 azu
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/form: メンバの登録漏れ修正 ota
- 2003/03/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院コメント差し込み追加 tsutomu
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 食事区分に4を認める hisanaga
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 端末IDを64へ変更 hisanaga
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 端末IDを64へ変更 hisanaga
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: コメント行修正 ota
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 選定療養費対応 ota
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: コメント差し込み追加 tsutomu
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: ドクター名項目長変更 ota
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 選定療養をシステム予約コードに変更 azu
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 選定療養をシステム予約コードに変更 azu
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 選定療養 azu
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 選定療養 azu
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 労災コメント差し込み追加 tsutomu
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 選定療養 azu
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 選定療養 azu
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 選定療養 azu
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/form: 入院診療録追加 morirei
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院カルテ用コピー句追加 ota
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/form: 入院診療録名前修正 morirei
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 選定療養の入院点数算定 azu
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 帳票区分名修正 ota
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 選定療養の入院点数算定 azu
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 表示対象診療データの表示位修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 表示対象診療データの表示位置修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 表示対象診療データの表示位置修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 選定療養の入院点数計算(定期処理) azu
- 2003/03/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: TBL_PARAの端末IDを64バイトに拡張した tosihiko
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 添字多重定義の削除 azu
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/screen: 入院カルテ発行機能追加 ota
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/form: 入院診療録修正 morirei
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院カルテ追加 tatano
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院カルテ追加 ota
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院カルテ修正 tatano
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: レセプト種別不明のエラー理由の印刷機能追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: レセプト種別不明のエラー情報の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院算定修正 tatano
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 異動取消し追加 azu
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院請求書一括印刷対応 ota
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: プリンタ情報の取得元を修正 ota
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 異動取消処理修正 ota
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 前回患者ボタン押下処理修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 選定入院料対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 全角5文字以上入力修正 tatano
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca103: 全角5文字入力修正 tatano
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: レセプトの所在地50文字に変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: レセプトの所在地50文字に変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 選定入院料対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: レセプトの所在地50文字に変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 自動算定情報追加 tatano
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 特定薬剤治療管理料追加 tatano
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 特定薬剤治療管理料算定チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 特定薬剤治療管理料追加 tatano
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 特定薬剤治療管理料算定チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 特定薬剤治療管理料算定チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: まとめ剤点数キーへ追加 tsutomu
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 異動取消時の会計再作成 azu
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 外泊に3、4をみとめる修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 老人一般病棟特定入院基本料対応 ota
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 老人特定入院料追加 azu
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 老人特定入院料追加 azu
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 保険負担割合表示変更 ota
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: 保険負担割合表示修正 ota
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院請求書修正 ota
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 異動取消確認画面修正 ota
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ファイル削除追加 tatano
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 未実施減算額点マスより取得 tsutomu
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 未実施減算点マスより取得 tsutomu
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 選定療養の開始日算定修正 azu
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 選定療養費算定開始日修正 ota
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTBYOMEI-KEY7 ADD fujihara
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTBYOMEI-KEY7 ADD fujihara
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 同一開始日のときの表示順を修正 fujihara
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 食事点数点マスより取得 tsutomu
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 異動取消し時の会計再作成 azu
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 会計テーブル存在チェック追加 ota
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: クリア修正 tatano
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: version change. kida
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: control file fixed. kida
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 食事点数点マスより取得 tsutomu
- 2003/03/14 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: control file. fixed. kida
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 画面編集修正 tatano
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 指導料明細追加 tatano
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院会計サブ修正 tatano
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 請求確認画面修正 ota
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: テーブル件数修正 tatano
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 自動採番変更追加 tatano
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 自動採番変更追加 tatano
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 自動採番変更追加 tatano
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/record: 配列定義エラー修正 ota
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 自動採番変更追加 tatano
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 自動採番チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: エラーコード修正 ota
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI04.CBL ドクター多数対応 azu
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: I0SCR-SPA ドクター多数対応 azu
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: I04.INC ドクター多数対応 azu
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: I04.rec ドクター多数対応 azu
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 保険種類の表示部分修正のため hisanaga
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 保険種類表示部分の修正のため hisanaga
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 保険種類表示部分の修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 保険種類表示部分の修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: KOHSKY-KEY5,KEY6 ADD fujihara
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: KOHSKY-KEY5,KEY6 ADD fujihara
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院会計のみのときの診療科の編集の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 生保単独の在総診対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: SEIKYU-KEY16,KEY17,KEY18 ADD fujihara
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: SEIKYU-KEY16,KEY17,KEY18 ADD fujihara
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 出力先プリンタ割り当て情報画面修正(入院対応) ota
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中途終了時修正 tatano
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: ORCGK02NYU.CBL 中途終了時の点滴手技と検査判断料 azu
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 支払証明書出力プリンタ変更 morirei
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 総括表・入院対応 fujihara
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 国保総括表・入院対応 fujihara
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院帳票の情報をシステム管理マスタから取得 ota
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 公費の低所得/低年金対応等 tsutomu
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 名称入力時のカーソル位置の不具合修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPPTKOHFTN.INC 患者公費負担コピー句追加 azu
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPPTKOHFTN.INC 患者公費負担コピー句追加 azu
- 2003/03/18 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: OpenCOBOLのバージョン制限をはずす noboru
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 患者公費負担レイアウト変更 ota
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 名称誤り修正 ota
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自費減免無しに修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 入院取消し後の次月会計の作成処理修正 azu
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record: 患者公費負担テーブル追加 ota
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 国保総括 入院 fujihara
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院社保総括の公費の集計 fujihara
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 剤識別区分が入院料の場合の日情報の更新部分修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: tunnel_mask option: add yuya
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: default_if option: add (for automaticaly default route addition bug) yuya
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 社保入院総括 所在地の長さ変更等 fujihara
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 社保総括所在地の長さ変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 社保総括所在地の長さ変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 労災加算リハビリ老人変更 tatano
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTHKNINF-KEY5追加 tatano
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: yuya
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 編集条件訂正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTHKNINF-KEY5追加 tatano
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 選定入院料の処理追加 hisanaga
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 選定入院料の修正 azu
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI43.CBL 保険種類表示部分の修正 azu
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: I4SCR-SPA 保険種類表示部分の修正 azu
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: I4COMMON-SPA 保険種類表示部分の修正 azu
- 2003/03/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI44.CBL 名称入力時のカーソル位置の不具合修正 azu
- 2003/03/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: PTKOHFTN-KEY4追加 ota
- 2003/03/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 選定入院料の一括修正入力の終値に99を認めるように修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院点滴薬剤点数計算修正 tatano
- 2003/03/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: レイアウト修正 ota
- 2003/03/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: レイアウト修正 ota
- 2003/03/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 点数・負担額等の桁数変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 点数・負担額等の桁数の変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 点数・負担額等の桁数の変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 公費負担参照フラグセット修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 公費負担参照フラグセット修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院料日数計算修正:公費単独分 tsutomu
- 2003/03/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/form: カルテ・処方箋にふりがなを表示するよう修正 ota
- 2003/03/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 選定入院時の外泊計算 azu
- 2003/03/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 選定入院時の外泊計算 azu
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 社保統括 頁・保険者番号の表示追加、桁数の変更 fujihara
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 社保総括 所在地の長さ変更、頁・保険者番号の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: <pp>薬剤一部負担金廃止 tsutomu
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 社保総括の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 国保総括 所在地の長さ変更、頁・保険者番号の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院自動算定日数修正 tatano
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院更新前チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: 患者公費負担テーブル修正 ota
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: <pp>保険一括変更 tatano
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: Makefile修正 tatano
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/form: 文書出力用帳票(縦)(横)追加 morirei
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 選定入院料の外泊計算修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 特定入院料の考慮を削除 ota
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 老人特定入院料算定時も選定療養の対象とする azu
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 老人特定入院料算定時も選定療養の対象とする azu
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 331を点滴手技料からはずす tatano
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 異動取消時の会計作成を前回異動日から行うように変更 azu
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSK5000.INC 選定入院料の点数単価と消費税区分の追加 azu
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: tbl_lockのレコードを全て削除する機能を追加 ota
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt-manual: テスト saitou
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: print remote-host option to syslog yuya
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: use main method yuya
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 公費負担追加 tatano
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 公費負担追加 tatano
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: *** empty log message *** yuya
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 選定の外泊計算 azu
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 選定の外泊計算 azu
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 公費負担追加他 tatano
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: <pp>保険改正対応、公費負担額追加 tatano
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: セット入力部分修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: セット入力部分修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 選定入院の保険適用外 azu
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 選定入院の保険適用外 azu
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] jma: Initial import noboru
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: Initial import noboru
- 2003/03/24 [cvs] CVSROOT: jma-receipt-hosp の debian ディレクトリ追加 noboru
- 2003/03/25 Re: [cvs] jma: Initial import Noboru Saitou
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt-manual: remove test file. saitou
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 異動取消時の元入院会計作成時に特定入院の判定を修正 azu
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. 依存関係見直し tosihiko
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: <pp>保険一括変更修正 tatano
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 公費負担修正 tatano
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 公費負担修正 tatano
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 選定入院料外泊計算修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院料の自費分を考慮するよう修正 ota
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 入院の投薬回数修正 tatano
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 入院料コンボの編集方法を修正 ota
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: ORCBMHKN を追加した tosihiko
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 更正/育成対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 更正/育成対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 算定開始日を入力可能とする ota
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: 算定開始日を入力可能とする ota
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 連絡先住所選択修正 tatano
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院の保険適用外金額を表示 ota
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: 入院の保険適用外金額を表示 ota
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 入院の保険適用外金額を表示 ota
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院の保険適用外金額を表示 ota
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 入院の保険適用外金額を表示 ota
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 保険一括変更修正 tatano
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院の保険適用外金額を表示 ota
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 入院の保険適用外金額を表示 ota
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院の保険適用外金額を表示 ota
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 入院の保険適用外金額を表示 ota
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 公費負担額修正 tatano
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 選定入院料と外泊の関連チェック修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 更正/育成対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険組合せ修正 tatano
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 保険一括変更修正 tatano
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 日別剤回数の変更に零を認めるように修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険対応修正 tatano
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 保険変更対応 tatano
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 保険一括変更修正 tatano
- 2003/03/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 更正/育成対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 外泊時の減算処理修正 azu
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 外泊時の減算処理修正 azu
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 更正/育成対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: カルテ続紙追加 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCHC01.INC追加 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: カルテ続紙追加 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: カルテ続紙追加 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険変更修正、カルテ続紙修正 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 続紙頭書追加 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 仮収納作成修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 該当病名が存在しないときの削除ボタンによるフリーズの修正 fujihara
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 患者継続修正 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 患者継続修正 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 選定入院料外泊計算修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 保険変更チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 保険変更チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 保険変更チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 保険一括変更修正 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院自動発生日修正 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 外来請求書出力処理修正 ota
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院点滴一括変更他 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: カルテ修正 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 画像診断修正 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 投薬修正 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: メッセージ修正 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 診療行為入力画面での入院料加算集計 azu
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 診療行為入力画面での入院料加算集計 azu
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療行為入院登録修正 tatano
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 点滴の編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院料加算の集計 azu
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院料加算の集計 azu
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院料加算の集計 azu
- 2003/03/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院料加算の集計 azu
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 公費負担額期間チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入力コード全角1文字チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 退院日後の診療行為入力チェック修正 ota
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入力コード全角数字1文字エラー追加 tatano
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 入力コード全角数字1文字エラー追加 tatano
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 収納読み込み条件修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 保険優先順位修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 保険一括変更修正 tatano
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 公費負担額から"017"をはずす tatano
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: カスタマイズ項目の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: カスタマイズ項目の追加 fujihara
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 更生/育成対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 更生/育成対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: カスタマイズ項目の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 日数5追加 ota
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 日数5追加 ota
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 継続入院を考慮して91・180日以上を表示 ota
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 労災老人チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 添字エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 会計照会初期表示修正他 tatano
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 看護比率基準未達の外泊計算 azu
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 看護比率基準未達の外泊計算 azu
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 更生/育成対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 外泊計算修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 初診時の摘要欄記載修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca103: 全角入力チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: メッセージ修正 tatano
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: エラー表示部分の修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 調剤料の一括更新を削除 azu
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 更生/育成対応 tsutomu
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 負担金額表示修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/27 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 入院次月作成のチェック追加 azu
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: リハビリ老人労災加算修正他 tatano
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 最大行エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: K08最大行修正 tatano
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 最大行修正 tatano
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 負担金額欄編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 外泊削除修正 tatano
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 外来削除修正 ota
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 印刷用データサイズを変更した。 tosihiko
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 開始位置の修正 fujihara
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 入院次月作成の条件追加 azu
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 外泊修正 tatano
- 2003/03/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 未設定項目の設定確認メッセージの表示タイミングの修正 hisanaga
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 全件対象追加 tatano
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: I4COMMON-SPA 会計作成用の項目追加 azu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 次月会計作成の中間項目をスパ領域に移動 azu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca52: 画面編集追加 tatano
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 作業領域定義修正 ota
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 添字エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 特別継続日チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 未設定項目の設定確認メッセージの表示タイミングの修正 azu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUACCT.CBL 外泊修正 azu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: SHELLパラメータ修正 ota
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: SHELLパラメータ修正 ota
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院調剤料自動発生修正 tatano
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0025.CBL 長期レセ azu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0025.CBL 長期レセ azu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院調剤料自動発生修正 azu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 長期レセ tsutomu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 添字エラー修正 azu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 長期レセ azu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 負担金額欄編集修正 azu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 特別継続日チェック修正 azu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 薬剤管理指導料実施日編集 tsutomu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 印刷用データサイズを変更した(B) azu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 開始位置の修正(B) azu
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 添字エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: main: typo fixed yuya
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 末日設定 tatano
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: * printlog, ConnectionInfo#connect, ConnectionInfo#disconnect: yuya
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 小児科外来診察料の電話再診チェック修正、自責6ヵ月判定追加 tatano
- 2003/03/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院調剤料 添字エラー修正(B) azu
- 2003/04/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 電話再診修正 tatano
- 2003/04/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 理学老人労災加算算定修正 tatano
- 2003/04/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 調剤料発生に外泊の4は対象外とする tatano
- 2003/04/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 翌月の調剤料を自動発生する tatano
- 2003/04/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca34, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 負担金計算サブ引数修正 ota
- 2003/04/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca34, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 負担金計算サブ引数修正 ota
- 2003/04/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 負担金サブ引数修正 ota
- 2003/04/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 負担金サブ引数修正 ota
- 2003/04/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 一部負担額()書き:公費が全額給付する場合は記載をやめる tsutomu
- 2003/04/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 適用期間確認メッセージ追加 hisanaga
- 2003/04/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 適用期間確認メッセージ追加 hisanaga
- 2003/04/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 旧姓履歴添字修正 tatano
- 2003/04/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 適用期間確認メッセージ追加 hisanaga
- 2003/04/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 適用期間確認メッセージ追加 hisanaga
- 2003/04/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 適用期間確認メッセージ追加 hisanaga
- 2003/04/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 適用期間確認メッセージ追加 hisanaga
- 2003/04/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 適用期間確認メッセージ追加 hisanaga
- 2003/04/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 点滴修正等 tsutomu
- 2003/04/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: カラム開始位置の誤りを修正 ota
- 2003/04/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 公費変更チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/04/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 労災保険名称編集修正 tatano
- 2003/04/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 負担金内部項目編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 適用期間確認メッセージ表示の判定領域の誤り修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 再印刷画面での表示タイトルの編集 fujihara
- 2003/04/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 特定入院料の選定療養の外泊対応 tsutomu
- 2003/04/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 適用期間確認メッセージに日付範囲チェック追加 hisanaga
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 適用期間確認メッセージ日付範囲チェック修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 中心静脈自動発生追加 tatano
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 中心静脈自動発生追加 tatano
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 中心静脈自動発生追加 tatano
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 次月会計作成時の保険組合せを取得 azu
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/data: 中心静脈薬剤追加 tatano
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院警告追加 tatano
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 中心静脈修正 tatano
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中心静脈修正 tatano
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 次月会計作成時の保険組合せ退避項目の追加 azu
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 次月会計作成時の保険組合せを退避 azu
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 在宅加算料算定チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 継続入院分の歴を取得する ota
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 適用期間確認メッセージのチェックを変更確定の時も行う hisanaga
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 継続入院を考慮して91・180日以上を表示 ota
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 転科歴に備考(異動内容)の表示を追加 ota
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ファイルが改行で終るよう修正 ota
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: メッセージ変更 tatano
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: DO表示に中心静脈追加 tatano
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 配列添字誤り修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 中心静脈修正 tatano
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 中心静脈追加 tatano
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療会計 PATH18と19追加 azu
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療会計にPATH18と19追加 azu
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 表示キー修正 tatano
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療会計 PATH19の変更 azu
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 適用期間確認メッセージの途中変更時のメッセージ表示 hisanaga
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療会計 PATH19修正 azu
- 2003/04/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form: 入院請求書に病棟・病室名を編集する ota
- 2003/04/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 警告エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/04/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 日付差し込み修正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 日付差し込み修正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院日、退院日の外来入力修正 tatano
- 2003/04/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 検査の剤の明細数が2以上のときはまとめない fujihara
- 2003/04/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療会計の読み込みPATH変更 azu
- 2003/04/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険適用期間同日をOKとする tatano
- 2003/04/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 公費適用期間同日OK追加 tatano
- 2003/04/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: コメント差し込み追加 tsutomu
- 2003/04/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 複数端末からの処理の修正 fujihara
- 2003/04/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/scripts/daily: 日次・月次バッチ修正 ota
- 2003/04/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: SEIKYU-KEY19 ADD fujihara
- 2003/04/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: SEIKYU-KEY19 ADD fujihara
- 2003/04/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 次ページ時のカーソル移動修正、コメントのカーソル移動修正他 tatano
- 2003/04/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 初回診療の保険表示修正、入院時受付更新追加 tatano
- 2003/04/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 看護配置適合の略称追加対応 tsutomu
- 2003/04/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 診療年月チェック修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 診療年月チェックの修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 収納突合条件修正 ota
- 2003/04/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/screen: 患者登録遷移処理追加 ota
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 保険編集サブ追加 tatano
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 退院時服薬指導加算のコメント編集等 tsutomu
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 保険編集サブ追加 tatano
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 検査の剤の明細数が2以上のときはまとめない tsutomu
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 保険編集割合変更 tatano
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 保険編集サブ修正 tatano
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 保険編集修正 tatano
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 保険編集修正、入院画面から退院時の自動遷移追加 tatano
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: 保険編集修正 ota
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 抽出用診療年月が指定されて出力条件に診療年月が設定されていないときの変更 hisanaga
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 抽出条件に診療年月が指定されて出力条件に指定されていないときの修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 点滴レセ編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 点滴レセ編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 点滴レセ編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 筋注手技料変換なしの診療種別追加 tatano
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/data: 313 皮下筋肉注射(手技料変換なし)追加 tatano
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 診療年月和暦変換機能修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 特定器材(画像診断のフィルム以外)のとき単価を編集する fujihara
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 看護配置適合外泊計算対応等 tsutomu
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院レセ続紙の追加 fujihara
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院レセ続紙区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院レセ続紙区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 入院レセ続紙区分の追加 fujihara

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