- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 新規作成 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: コピー句が追加になったため hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: コピー句が追加にたったため hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/claim, jma-receipt/scripts/claim/def, jma-receipt/scripts/claim/dtd, jma-receipt/scripts/claim/link, jma-receipt/scripts/claim/rb, jma-receipt/scripts/claim/template: for CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 食事種別追加 tatano
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim, jma-receipt/cobol/claim/copy: for CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 食事種別追加 tatano
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 食事追加 tatano
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 食事追加、前月エラー修正 tatano
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/data: 食事、入院調剤料追加 tatano
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSCN97.CBL追加 tatano
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts: 自動作成されるファイルもチェックから除外 noboru
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts: claim をとりあえずチェックから除外 noboru
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: I42-I49追加 noboru
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: I42-I49追加 noboru
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCA-DBPATHを自動作成に変更 noboru
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: For CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/screen: For CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 診療日受取修正 tatano
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11, jma-receipt/lddef: For CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: For CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 検査包括数変更 tatano
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者登録CLAIM修正 tatano
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: CLAIM修正 tatano
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: For CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: For CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: For CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11, jma-receipt/scripts/claim: For CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: For woody takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/claim: For CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: For CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: CLAIM修正 tatano
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: For CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/scripts/claim: For CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: home の廃止(実行時に chdir しない) noboru
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: For CLAIM takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: home の廃止 noboru
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: コピー句追加のため hisanaga
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: にシンボリックリンクをはる noboru
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 比活性項目の活性化 hisanaga
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: -bddir 追加 takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/claim: CLAIM 受信用スクリプト takeda
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: コピー句修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: azu
- 2002/12/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPNYUINKHN.INC コピー句修正 azu
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/claim/rb: DTD とのvalid check をはずす takeda
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/screen: 定期請求区分を削除 ota
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: For CLAIM ラベル幅調整 takeda
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: For CLAIM ボタン不正対応 takeda
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 特定入院料コード追加対応 ota
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/etc: DBSTUBの位置も自動取得するように変更 noboru
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: delete_event 追加 takeda
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定入院料コード追加対応 ota
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 使用しないコピー句削除(ORCA-DBINFO) takeda
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0040.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0430.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 外来で入院中の時入院へ遷移する tatano
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record: 定期請求暫定対応 ota
- 2002/12/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: add ORCA-DBPATH noboru
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: レセプト退職国保3才未満の給付割合修正 azu
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: Makeファイルにmonthly/を追加 ota
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: Woody対応 ota
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0020.CBL レセプト退職国保の3才未満給付割合 azu
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL 酸素の単価編集 fujihara
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0090.CBL 酸素の単価編集 fujihara
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca36, jma-receipt/record: 診療科99件対応 ota
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: 定期請求暫定対応 ota
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0020.CBL 退職者国保の3才未満(修正履歴追加) azu
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 酸素の単価を編集する fujihara
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: for woody takeda
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0420.CBL DBCOMMIT ADD fujihara
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/init: Give option -f to rm. knishida
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/tools: (開発用)サーバー起動シェル追加 noboru
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt: 全 potato patch 吸収 noboru
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: パッケージ用 potato patch追加 noboru
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt: etc の編集が必要なくなった noboru
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/claim: for claim 中間ファイル削除追加 takeda
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: Remove the generated file when copygen fails. knishida
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim: for claim uuid 取得関数 takeda
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: add noboru
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 慢性疼痛初回算定日追加 tatano
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CLAIM COPY句の移動 noboru
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 慢性疼痛初回算定日変更 tatano
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 慢性疼痛初回算定日修正、入院遷移修正他 tatano
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01.CBL 老人保険65歳から69歳も薬剤負担金なし azu
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01.CBL 65歳以上の薬剤負担金 azu
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: X制御 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: X制御 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: X制御 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: X制御 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: X制御 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: X制御 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: X制御 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: X制御 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: X制御 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: X制御 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: X制御 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/tools: デフォルトで glserver起動 noboru
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 項目調整 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: カーソル位置修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: カーソル位置修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: カーソル位置 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 受け渡し項目 hisanaga
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/tools: CLAIM を有効に noboru
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim: CLAIMを有効に noboru
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim, jma-receipt/scripts/claim: add .cvsignore noboru
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: add depend libnkf-ruby tosihiko
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: add depend libnkf-ruby. tosihiko
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: add depend nkf. tosihiko
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: add depend nkf. tosihiko
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: add depend libuconv-ruby and libxml-parser-ruby. tosihiko
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: for claim 名称変更 takeda
- 2002/12/05 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: add depend libuconv-ruby and libxml-parser-ruby. tosihiko
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCA-DBPATH がインストールされなかったので修正 noboru
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: メッセージ番号500ー03内容修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR03.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/claim: export COB_LIBRARY_PATH 追加 takeda
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 点数マスタチェック追加 tatano
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: wmclass 追加(Dialog対応) noboru
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 年令チェックと低所得者エラーメッセージ修正 tatano
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 受診履歴表示修正 tatano
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/tools: claim をLDリストに入れてしまっていたので修正 noboru
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 入力履歴エラーメッセージ修正 tatano
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/claim, jma-receipt/scripts/claim/rb: shell ヘッダ変更 takeda
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 低所得情報エラー修正 tatano
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 慢性疼痛管理料算定チェック修正 tatano
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 慢性疼痛管理料算定チェック修正と労災の初診と処置の修正 tatano
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca102, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: Z91コメント追加 morirei
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim: for claim 記号、番号対応 takeda
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 点数計算の修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 分離記号が抜けていたのを修正 morirei
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: Z91.INC修正 morirei
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: Z91.INC修正 morirei
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: CPORCHC28.INC HCML06.INC HCML09.INC Z91.INC ORHCML09.CBL修正 morirei
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM022.CBL 前期高齢者の共済の集計 fujihara
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 麻酔に労災置換え追加 tatano
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 劑変更修正 tatano
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca107: ORCGN21.CBl修正 morirei
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 慢性疼痛疾患管理料修正 tatano
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC02.CBL 単独禁止病名のメッセージ修正 fujihara
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 禁忌チェックエラー修正 tatano
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim: for claim 負担者、受給者番号対応(公費) takeda
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中途終了電話再診修正 tatano
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: カーソル移動修正 tatano
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: MCPAREAを自動作成に変更 noboru
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: make clean 時 -f オプション追加 noboru
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: MCPAREA noboru
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: MCPAREAクリア削除 tatano
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 振替メッセージと劑選択エラー修正 tatano
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険組合せバグ修正 tatano
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt: site-src の位置修正 noboru
- 2002/12/09 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/tools: tools/ 起動スクリプト変更(site-lib対応) hiki
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 併用チェック理学個別追加 tatano
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 併用チェック修正 tatano
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 公費終了期間判定修正 tatano
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 診療科修正 tatano
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca43: ORCGH99.CBL errmsg update fujihara
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 請求確認更新前チェック追加 tatano
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: version edited. tosihiko
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/tools: add .cvsignore noboru
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/tools: 毎回 chmod しないように位置変更 noboru
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts: scripts配下の.shに実行権限を付ける処理を追加 hiki
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: orca42 go to update fujihara
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: KEY追加 ota
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 収納明細更新機能追加 ota
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: 画面のリストと帳票のリストを追加 noboru
- 2002/12/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/tools: エラーチェックの追加 noboru
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/tools: dbredirector 起動を追加(デフォルト=false) noboru
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 全科処理修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 全科処理修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/debian, dbbackup/orca-dbbackup/script: cryptology change gnupg into openssl. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup: Readme fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: packages name fixed. orca-dbbackup -> jma-receipt-dbbackup kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/jma-receipt-dbbackup/script: Directory name fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup: kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: same fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/orca-dbbackup/script: removed all files kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: Packages name fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/conf: tbl_list fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/jma-receipt-dbbackup/script: fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/conf: Removed back_list file. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: examples file fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 訂正の画面表示、検索編集修正 tatano
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 検索編集修正 tatano
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/jma-receipt-dbbackup/script:, fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/jma-receipt-dbbackup/script:, files fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: O01SCR-SPA 削除 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: 予約時間を手入力したときのエラー修正 tatano
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: O01SCR-SPA 削除 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/jma-receipt-dbbackup/script: fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGO01.CBL 画面変更 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGO02.CBL 画面修正 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGO03.CBL 画面修正 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGOID1.CBL 画面修正 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPCOMMONDAT5.INC 追加 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSK5012.INC 追加 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: O01COMMON-SPA 変更 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: O03.INC 画面変更 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSK5011.INC 追加 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: O01.INC 画面変更 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: O02.INC 画面変更 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: OID2.INC 画面変更 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: システム管理のコピー句追加 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 画面変更 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 画面変更 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 画面変更 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: O01.rec 画面変更 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: O02.rec 画面変更 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: cron.d fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: O03.rec 画面変更 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup: Readme fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/jma-receipt-dbbackup/script: *.rb fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup: Readme fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 追加 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 追加 azu
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: LD名追加 noboru
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: dirs file fixed. kida
- 2002/12/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: エラーカーソル位置修正 tatano
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 画面遷移時の診療科名変更 hisanaga
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/record: 診療科・入外区分を判断して初期表示するよう修正 ota
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: S03から戻ってきたときの ota
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: テキストの修正 tatano
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 前回未収額表示の不具合を修正 ota
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: SEIKYU-DEL5,DEL6 add fujihara
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPMCPDBPRO.INC SEIKYU-DEL5,DEL6 add fujihara
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 前回未収額編集を修正 ota
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/allways, jma-receipt/scripts/daily, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 実行時にカレントディレクトリを移動しない noboru
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca107, jma-receipt/form: 薬剤情報文字ボタン修正、MONPE対応 morirei
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: orca42 入院機能追加 fujihara
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: レセプト入院機能追加 fujihara
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: レセプト入院機能追加 fujihara
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 入院機能追加 fujihara
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF062.INC tsutomu
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF064.INC tsutomu
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF065.INC tsutomu
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0025.CBL KH-IDX=ZERO時の判定追加 azu
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: Makefile.in修正 morirei
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: Makefile.in修正 morirei
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: orcabt 入院レセプト追加 fujihara
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院レセ用コピー句追加 fujihara
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院レセ用コピー句追加 fujihara
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 収納明細の多重定義を修正 ota
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: ota
- 2002/12/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF062.INC tsutomu
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 表示対象診療会計作業部分修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 継続編集追加、画面編集修正 tatano
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: orcabt update fujihara
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院レセ追加 fujihara
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC02.CBL 病名文字数チェック修正 fujihara
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 請求額を超えて入金できる不具合を修正 ota
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: MAKEFILE tsutomu
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0630.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0650.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0660.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt: -with-panda-dir=の追加 noboru
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 請求書クリア追加 tatano
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: PTNYUINRRK-KEY11追加 ota
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: site-lib を configure から取得 noboru
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: SYUNOU-KEY6 追加 ota
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 食事の変更内容に零も認める hisanaga
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR02.CBL 入院機能追加 fujihara
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: orcabt 入院機能 fujihara
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: tbl_recekanri.db 入院機能追加 fujihara
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 入院用請求確認画面追加 ota
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: update fujihara
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: add fujihara
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts: Makefile update fujihara
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: orca42 update fujihara
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 入院請求画面遷移修正 ota
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: orca42 update fujihara
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: カーソル移動修正 ota
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: カンマ編集対応 ota
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 継続訂正修正 tatano
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01.CBL 継続時の薬剤負担金修正 azu
- 2002/12/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: シート追加 tatano
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: ドクターなしOK tatano
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 新規登録取消修正 tatano
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: 新規患者取消修正 tatano
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/screen: 収納業務 update ota
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: orca42 入院機能 fujihara
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院レセ修正 fujihara
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: update fujihara
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: R02.INC update fujihara
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: R01COMMON-SPA update fujihara
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: EXEC_SRCS が外されていたので元に戻す noboru
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca34, jma-receipt/screen: 前回患者ボタン追加 ota
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0025.CBL 公費請求書用ファイル修正 fujihara
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL 公費請求書用ファイル修正 fujihara
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 日付のエリアを拡大 ota
- 2002/12/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 入院レセ追加 fujihara
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: コンボ項目名称修正 ota
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0710.CBL 続紙追加 fujihara
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院レセ 入院料全角対応 fujihara
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 入院レセ 入院料全角対応 fujihara
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療行為入院訂正修正 tatano
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 1.0.0 パッチの取り込み(1回の診療で複数の保険など) noboru
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF062.INC tsutomu
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: sitedir を優先するように変更 noboru
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/scripts/allways: site-upgrade時に include が出来るように変更 noboru
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: orcabt update fujihara
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF062.INC UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 診療種別による劑判定追加 tatano
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0630.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPNYUINRYAKUSHO.INC tsutomu
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: tbl_nyuinryakusho.db tsutomu
- 2002/12/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: tsutomu
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: tbl_nyuinrrk.db key12,key13 add fujihara
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPMCPDBPRO.INC PTNYUINRRK-KEY12,KEY13 add fujihara
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 寝たきり在宅料有無追加 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 在宅指導料追加、入院一括入力変更 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 在宅指導料追加、薬剤劑更新修正、入院一括入力修正 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 投薬劑更新修正 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 投薬劑更新修正 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTINF-KEY6,KEY7,KEY8,KEY9追加 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 会計テーブルに設定する診療科修正 ota
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTINF-KEY6,KEY7,KEY8,KEY9追加 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 日付入力年、年月追加 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca19: 氏名検索条件追加 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 患者検索条件追加 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 氏名検索条件追加 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 氏名検索修正 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/tools: site-lib を優先するように変更 noboru
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 診療科変更 azu
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/example/shimane/lddef, jma-receipt/lddef: recept.bd対応 takeda
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 院外処方のチェック追加 hisanaga
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record: NYUINRYAKUSHO-KEY,NYUINRYAKUSHO-ALL,NYUINACT-KEY9,SRYACT-KEY9追加 ota
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL レセプト前仮計算時の伝票状態区分セット azu
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCS02.INC レセプト前仮計算時の伝票状態区分セット azu
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: PTNYUINRRK-KEY14,SYUNOU-DEL2,3,4,5追加 ota
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0710.CBL UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 外泊時の入院料計算修正 azu
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 算定済メッセージ修正 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCS02.INC azu
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL azu
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL azu
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: EXEC_SRCS 復活させた tosihiko
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca33, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 定期請求修正 ota
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/allways: ファイルかどうかのチェックを追加 noboru
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: add noboru
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: ORCBM026.CBL add fujihara
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: ORCBM026 add fujihara
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCM2G.INC HCM2H.INC add fujihara
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCM2G.INC add fujihara
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCM2H.INC add fujihara
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: Makefile ORCBM026.CBL add fujihara
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM026.CBL ADD fujihara
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM025.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0710.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/example/shimane/etc: recept追加 takeda
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/record: 暫定的に入院分の再計算を行えないようにした ota
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 継続入金額修正 tatano
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ORDER BY 追加 morirei
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: nyuinryakusho.db tsutomu
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCMCPSUB.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPMCPDBPRO.INC tsutomu
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0630.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: 予約リスト修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療科履歴更新修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/data: 在宅加算料へ修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 入院レセ追加 fujihara
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: リスト修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: リスト修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca103: リスト選択修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca104: リスト選択修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 入院料加算取り込み追加 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSK5003.INC 入院料加算エリアの再定義追加 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc: make install 時に上書きするように(前に戻した) noboru
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSK5001.INC azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSK5003.INC 削除 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSK5003.INC 削除 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCS02.INC 定期請求区分の追加 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 定期請求区分の追加 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca19: エラー遷移修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: E01,E02,F01 画面サイズ変更 tosihiko
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 訂正表示修正、継続入金額表示 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 食堂加算の判定変更 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 食堂加算区分修正 ota
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 訂正警告修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療科履歴削除追加 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI04.CBL 診療科00 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 算定履歴画面遷移修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI04.CBL azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0710.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: リスト改定 noboru
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca19: カーソル移動修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCSNYUACCT.INC 食堂加算の追加 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 改行追加 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/example/shimane/lddef: をインクルードするように変更 noboru
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca00: 入院画面からの日付設定保存 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 食堂加算追加 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: コンパイルエラー修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 改行追加 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCSNYUACCT.INC 項目名修正 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 修正 tatano
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 食堂加算追加 剤識別4 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 労災、自賠の判定を変更 ota
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 入院料加算年令チェック追加 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 入院中患者の退院日表示修正 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 定期請求追加 ota
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: TBL_PTNYUINRRK 定期請求用KEY(KEY10,KEY14)修正 ota
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 病棟の入院加算設定 azu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0630.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 医療機関減算の追加 azu
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 複数受診科削除 tatano
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record: 収納、収納明細PATH追加,定期請求用.db追加 ota
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 収納データ削除機能修正 ota
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ptnyuinrrk_key10 ,key14修正 ota
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 点数識別8追加 tatano
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 点数識別8追加 tatano
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 点数識別8追加 tatano
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/example/shimane/lddef: 余分なコメント削除 noboru
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0710.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCN06.INC update fujihara
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: update fujihara
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 定期請求用KEY(KEY10,KEY14)修正 ota
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 更新前算定チェック削除 tatano
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: セット削除画面遷移修正 tatano
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: クローズ位置修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: クローズ位置修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 作業用ターミナル番号の大きさ変更 hisanaga
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01.CBL 薬剤負担65才以上の判定修正 azu
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCN06.INC update fujihara
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: update fujihara
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/allways: 間違って@jma-receipt-env@を書き換えてしまったのを修正 noboru
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自費劑分離修正 tatano
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 数量入力修正 tatano
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 数量入力判定修正 tatano
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 数量判定修正 tatano
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: エラーメッセージ修正 tatano
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record: 調査PG対応 ota
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 調査PG対応 ota
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca33, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 定期請求対応 ota
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 保険変更老人判定追加 tatano
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 定期請求対応 ota
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: 定期請求pg追加 ota
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 収納−請求確認画面修正 ota
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0630.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0690.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF064.INC tsutomu
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF065.INC tsutomu
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 未実施減算の剤を作成しないように変更 azu
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF064.INC tsutomu
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF066.INC tsutomu
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF0661.INC tsutomu
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0690.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0700.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: view_bd002.db update fujihara
- 2002/12/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBDXXX.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/12/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBDXXX.CBL DENPPRTYMD ADD fujihara
- 2002/12/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBDXXX.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/12/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0710.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/12/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCN06.INC update fujihara
- 2002/12/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/12/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0630.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/record: 定期請求対応 ota
- 2002/12/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca34, jma-receipt/record: 定期請求対応 ota
- 2002/12/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ドクター桁数修正 tatano
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ドクター桁数修正保か tatano
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: ドクター桁数修正 tatano
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca18: ドクター桁数修正 tatano
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HC17V02.dia 追加 azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HC17V02.dia 追加 azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: HC17V02.def 追加 azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HC17V02.INC 追加 azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HC17V02.INC 追加 azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBDXXX.CBL 帳票ID変更 azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBDXXX.CBL 修正 azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HC17V02.dia azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 病名更新用のKEY追加した。 tosihiko
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 病名更新用のKEY追加取り止めした。 tosihiko
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 病名マスタ更新用コピー句追加 tosihiko
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 病名マスタ更新用コピー句追加 tosihiko
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 病名マスタ更新プログラム追加 tosihiko
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: フィルムの点数を手技料へ tatano
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 元へ tatano
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HC17V02.dia修正 morirei
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBDXXX.CBL SRYYMD UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: クリアもれ修正 tatano
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca104: 負担割合初期値変更 tatano
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCGI44SUB1用 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCGI44SUB2用 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCGI44SUB3用 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCGI44SUB4用 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCGI44SUB6用 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCGI44SUB7用 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 共通サブ用 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 全科指定の追加 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 44の部品1 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 44の部品2 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 44の部品3 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 44の部品4 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 44の部品6 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 44の部品7 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 全科指定のため修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 全科指定のため hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院会計コピー句 追加 azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 入院会計プロ 追加 azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院会計コピー句追加 azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 全科指定追加のため hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 全科指定追加のため hisanaga
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 不要モジュール削除 azu
- 2002/12/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/data: SRYKBNNAME.TXT 入院料の名称追加 azu
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPMCPDBPRO.INC NYUINACCT-KEY13,KEY14 add fujihara
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: tbl_nyuinact.db key13,key14 add fujihara
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: ORCGS02.CBL azu
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0610.CBL nyuinacct add fujihara
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR01.CBL nyuinact add fujihara
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI04.CBL update ota
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: record のファイルも記述するように変更 noboru
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 日付のエリアを修正 ota
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0710.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCN06.INC update fujihara
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: update fujihara
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ファイル終端修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 処理対象院外条件修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ピリオド抜け hisanaga
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCHC28.CBL修正 morirei
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: ORCGW21.CBL ota
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL ota
- 2002/12/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCHCN02.CBL ota
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療会計削除中止 tatano
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0710.CBL updat fujihara
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: チェックボタンの全科対応 hisanaga
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: チェックボタンの全科対応 hisanaga
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: コメントの全科対応 hisanaga
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: メッセージ修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ファイル終端修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca02: ファイル終端修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0610.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: マスタ確認部分修正 hisanaga
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL 入院カウントの初期化位置変更 azu
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 入院カウント初期化位置変更 azu
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 診療行為参照条件入院:1にする hisanaga
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 診療行為参照条件入院:1にする hisanaga
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGO03.CBL update ota
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL update ota
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: I0SCR-SPA update ota
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/tools: remove build-stamp noboru
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0630.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: kaigyo tsutomu
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: kaigyo tsutomu
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: kaigyo tsutomu
- 2002/12/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 前回ドクター修正 tatano
- 2002/12/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: ORCGK02.CBL 診療科のドクター選択 azu
- 2002/12/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: ORCGZ91.CBL改行 morirei
- 2002/12/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HC17V02.INC修正 morirei
- 2002/12/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: L01.INC終端修正 morirei
- 2002/12/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: G01.INC終端修正 morirei
- 2002/12/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 入退院登録修正 ota
- 2002/12/27 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: site-upgrade対象のファイルもchownするように変更 noboru
- 2002/12/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/allways: スクリプトの中でchownするのを止める noboru
- 2002/12/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR02.CBL 入外区分の追加 azu
- 2002/12/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR02.CBL 入外区分の追加 azu
- 2003/01/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 処方せん高齢表示修正 tatano
- 2003/01/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: KEY追加 CPMCPDBPRO.INC修正 morirei
- 2003/01/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: KEY追加 tbl_syunou.db修正 morirei
- 2003/01/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGO02.CBL update ota
- 2003/01/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGO03.CBL update ota
- 2003/01/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCT0010.CBL update ota
- 2003/01/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL 療養担当手当て対応 azu
- 2003/01/06 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/data, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/init, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen, jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/tools: ディレクトリ関連を Makefile.directories に移動。 noboru
- 2003/01/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 支払証明書追加 morirei
- 2003/01/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 支払証明書追加 morirei
- 2003/01/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: update morirei
- 2003/01/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 支払証明書追加 morirei
- 2003/01/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/data: datadir -> orcadatadir noboru
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt: fix install-copys noboru
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: tbl_ptnyuinrrk key13 update fujihara
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: orcabt レセプト修正 fujihara
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/form: 支払証明書名変更 morirei
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: recept copy add fujihara
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 最後の行の \ の削除 noboru
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca51: 不要な を削除 noboru
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/etc: libdir -> orcalibdir へ変更 noboru
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0620.CBL NYUINYMD add fujihara
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: orcabt update fujihara
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: LIST追加 morirei
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: libdir -> orcalibdir noboru
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 一括入力の順序変更 hisanaga
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 一括入力の順序変更 hisanaga
- 2003/01/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 一括入力の順序変更 hisanaga
- 2003/01/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 公費最大100へ tatano
- 2003/01/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 公費最大100へ tatano
- 2003/01/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 公費最大100へ tatano
- 2003/01/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入金額上限チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/01/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: sryacct-key14 ADD tatano
- 2003/01/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: SRYACCT-KEY14 ADD tatano
- 2003/01/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: ORCGK03.CBL UPDATE tatano
- 2003/01/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca107, jma-receipt/record: 薬剤情報入力・印刷修正 morirei
- 2003/01/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: プリンタ設定有無の判定を修正 ota
- 2003/01/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/init: 環境変数 LIBDIR -> ORCALIBDIR 修正もれ tosihiko
- 2003/01/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts: LIBDIR -> ORCALIBDIR noboru
- 2003/01/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/claim: LIBDIR -> ORCALIBDIR noboru
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: ORCGW12.CBL レセプト通し番号編集区分追加 fujihara
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR02.CBL レセプト通し番号編集 fujihara
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0102.CBL レセプト通し番号編集 fujihara
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: レセプト通し番号編集 fujihara
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: レセプト通し番号 fujihara
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: レセプト通し番号の処理 fujihara
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: レセプト通し番号追加 fujihara
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/scripts: DATADIR -> ORCADATADIR noboru
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 年令チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 最終受診日更新 tatano
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 退院日追加 tatano
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: update fujihara
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: Q01 update ota
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: ORCGW12.CBL update fujihara
- 2003/01/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 入院対応 tatano
- 2003/01/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: update tatano
- 2003/01/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自由構成の新規桁数修正 tatano
- 2003/01/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 労災・自賠責レセ通し番号対応 fujihara
- 2003/01/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR04.CBL 労災・自賠責通し番号対応 fujihara
- 2003/01/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0500.CBL 労災・自賠責通し番号対応 fujihara
- 2003/01/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 労災・自賠責通し番号対応 fujihara
- 2003/01/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 労災・自賠責レセ通し番号対応 fujihara
- 2003/01/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 労災・自賠責レセ通し番号対応 fujihara
- 2003/01/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 外泊と他医療機関受診の負担計算 azu
- 2003/01/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 外泊と他医療機関受診の追加 azu
- 2003/01/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0090.CBL レセプト検査の回数のセット fujihara
- 2003/01/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: システム日付追加 ota
- 2003/01/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 伝票発行日を入力引数より編集するよう修正 ota
- 2003/01/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCSNYUFTNの入力引数にシステム日付を追加 ota
- 2003/01/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: ORCSNYUFTNの入力引数にシステム日付を追加 ota
- 2003/01/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0630.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF062.INC tsutomu
- 2003/01/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca36: COPY句の重複定義を修正 ota
- 2003/01/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCM24.INC occurs update fujihara
- 2003/01/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: occurs update fujihara
- 2003/01/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 画像診断フィルム料集計を手技料へ tatano
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01.CBL レセプト患者負担金の四捨五入対応 azu
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS02.CBL レセプト患者負担金の四捨五入対応 azu
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPHKNNUM.INC レセプト患者負担金の四捨五入対応 azu
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPHKNNUMWK.INC レセプト患者負担金の四捨五入対応 azu
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPHKNNUMWKV01.INC レセプト患者負担金の四捨五入対応 azu
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: V02.INC レセプト患者負担金の四捨五入対応 azu
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca104: ORCGV02.CBL レセプト患者負担金の四捨五入対応 azu
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCMUP0011.CBL レセプト患者負担金の四捨五入対応 azu
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: V02.rec レセプト患者負担金の四捨五入対応 azu
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: tbl_hknnum.db レセプト患者負担金の四捨五入対応 azu
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: レセプト患者負担金の四捨五入対応 azu
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 自費回数表示修正 tatano
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 訂正時フィルム料なしの撮影回数修正 tatano
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: ORCGS02.CBL 入金取消時に履歴を作成するように変更 azu
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 高額療養日から高額療養費へ修正 fujihara
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0710.CBL 診療科コード・特定入院料の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0710.CBL update fujihara
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ZAIMAX対応 tatano
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: ZAIMAX対応 tatano
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: ZAIMAX対応 tatano
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca82: クローズ位置修正 hisanaga
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca02: 改行変更 hisanaga
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 一括修正の作業領域修正 hisanaga
- 2003/01/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 一括入力の警告メッセージ修正 hisanaga
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院日移動 tatano
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 条件文変更 tatano
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 条件文修正 tatano
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 条件文修正 tatano
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC02.CBL IF UPDATE fujihara
- 2003/01/17 cvs-orca MLポリシー変更 Noboru Saitou
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: GO TO 変更 tatano
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 定期請求履歴管理機能追加 ota
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: GO TO誤り修正 ota
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] jma-receipt: VERSION ファイルの追加 noboru
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0020.CBL 特記事項04老保の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL 特記事項の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0090.CBL 画像診断のフィルムの編集 fujihara
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF005.INC データ区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/01/17 [cvs] CVSROOT: commit mail の subject に改行を入れないように変更 noboru
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt: distclean 時に Makefile.directories も消すようにした noboru
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTTEIKIRRK-KEY3修正 ota
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 条件文修正 fujihara
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 未実施減算のときの▲編集 fujihara
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 診療科目コードをレセ電コードよりの編集 fujihara
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTTEIKIRRK-KEY4追加 ota
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTTEIKIRRK-KEY4追加 ota
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 条件文修正 fujihara
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTTEIKIRRK-DEL1,DEL2追加 ota
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: SYUNOU-KEY5修正 ota
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: その他器材表示修正 tatano
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTTEIKIRRK-DEL1,DEL2追加 ota
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 処方箋その他器材編集追加 tatano
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 患者請求履歴を参照して収納情報を更新するよう修正 ota
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: 患者請求履歴より前回定期請求期間を参照するよう修正 ota
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入外区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入外区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 月代わり受給者番号マスタに入外区分を追加 fujihara
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: 入院対応 fujihara
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入外区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入外区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: monthlynumの入外区分追加 tatano
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 帳票発行暫定対応追加 ota
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: ボタン "B07","B08"にCLICKEDイベント追加 ota
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: ConnectionInfo.@retry_time => ConnectionInfo::RETRY_TIME yuya
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: fixed space char yuya
- 2003/01/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0630.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/20 RE: cvs-orca MLポリシー変更 上野(JMARI)
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: ORCT0050追加 ota
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTTEIKIRRK-KEY1修正 ota
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCT0050追加 ota
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 中間ファイルを"SEQUENTIAL -> "LINE SEQUENTIAL"に変更 ota
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 中間ファイルを"SEQUENTIAL -> "LINE SEQUENTIAL"に変更 ota
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 新規追加 ota
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 処方箋在宅薬剤等修正 tatano
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中途終了処方せんの在宅薬剤修正他 tatano
- 2003/01/21 RE: [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中途終了処方せんの在宅薬剤修正他 上野(JMARI)
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] CVSROOT: 規約違反になってしまうので、改行を入れるように戻す noboru
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 更新処理修正 ota
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca104, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 食事療養費の区分追加 ota
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF065.INC データ区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0690.CBL 画像診断のフィルムの編集 fujihara
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL 特記事項の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0620.CBL 特記事項04老保の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] CVSROOT: 空行になってしまう文字列を削除する noboru
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL 画像診断のフィルム fujihara
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 前月、次月の読み飛ばし部分修正 hisanaga
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 複合条件の記述修正 hisanaga
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 複合条件の記述修正 hisanaga
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc: のパーミッション変更 noboru
- 2003/01/21 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: のパーミッション変更に伴い、所有者変更 noboru
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 特記事項の編集 fujihara
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 労災・自賠責レセ 画像診断、検査の回数の編集 fujihara
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: データ区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院食事追加 tatano
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca33, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 定期請求−収納データ突合処理追加 ota
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPTEIKI01.INC 追加 ota
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院点滴サブ追加 tatano
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院点滴サブ tatano
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院点滴サブ tatano
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 入院レセ前の仮定期請求時の伝票作成区分変更 azu
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 一括修正時の変更内容を個別修正部分に反映する変更 hisanaga
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 伝票状態区分のセット追加 azu
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 個別処理時にシス管を検索する際のPATH-KEYを変更 ota
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: ORCGS02.CBL 伝票作成区分の追加に伴う変更 azu
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSYUNOU.INC 伝票作成区分と食事療養費項目の追加 azu
- 2003/01/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: tbl_syunou.db 収納テーブルに伝票作成区分と食事療養費項目の追加 azu
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 仮収納の削除条件を修正 ota
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: SYUNOU-DEL4,5,6削除 ota
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: del3修正,del4,5,6削除 ota
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 点滴サブ追加 ota
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/record: 伝票作成区分の追加に伴う変更 ota
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院点滴追加 tatano
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院点滴追加 tatano
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 入院点滴追加 tatano
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院点滴追加 tatano
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院点滴、処置逓減チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 会計照会入院用修正 tatano
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 会計照会入院用修正 tatano
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 労災事業所名40文字へ tatano
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 労災事業所名40文字へ tatano
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 労災事業所名40文字へ tatano
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ダミー収納を考慮して検索を行うよう修正 ota
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: SYUNOU-KEY10追加 ota
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca18: ドクター表示文字数変更 tatano
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 受付一覧ドクター表示文字修正 tatano
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 受付一覧ドクター表示文字数変更 tatano
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 食事の計算方法修正 ota
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 食事の計算方法修正 ota
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: 食事の計算方法修正 ota
- 2003/01/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/data_convert, jma-receipt/data_convert/cobol: データ移行プログラムの追加 noboru
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: 食事の集計方法修正 ota
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 診療種別入院追加 tatano
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 診療種別入院追加 tatano
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院エラー追加 tatano
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 対象患者の抽出条件修正 ota
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 検査乳幼児加算追加/入院対応 tatano
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 対象患者の抽出条件修正 ota
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/screen: 入院診療計画未実施減算を画面から削除 ota
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUACCT修正 tatano
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 入院料加算(医療機関設定)の自動判定追加 azu
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 入院料加算の自動判定修正 azu
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca19: 氏名検索エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院点滴修正 tatano
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院修正 tatano
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: K01COMMON-SPA修正 tatano
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, debian_woody_jma-receipt, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record: Ver 1.0.1 提供後のバグ吸収 tosihiko
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca34, jma-receipt/screen: 保険組合せコラムリストの編集方法修正 ota
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 処理区分コンボの項目初期設定を修正 ota
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0630.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 入院会計作成機能を追加 azu
- 2003/01/27 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/screen: VERSIONから自動で埋め込むように変更 noboru
- 2003/01/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 自動作成するようにしたため削除 noboru
- 2003/01/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院点滴チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/01/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院点滴チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/01/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 入院点滴チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/01/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院点滴チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/01/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 入院点滴チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/01/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院点滴修正 tatano
- 2003/01/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 外泊処理の手順変更 hisanaga
- 2003/01/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 外泊処理、室料差額処理の手順変更 hisanaga
- 2003/01/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 個別処理でもダミー収納を一括削除する ota
- 2003/01/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 剤回数の再計算部分の修正 hisanaga
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中途終了初診算定時エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 回数計算部分の修正 hisanaga
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 自動作成ファイルを除外 noboru
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/scripts/claim: For CLAIM 複数診療科受付対応 takeda
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院レセ 検査数に加算項目を対象としない fujihara
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 次月分会計作成時のエラーコードクリア azu
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUACCT.CBL 剤番号採番時のSPA−ERRCDクリア azu
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 添字桁数変更 tatano
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] dbbackup/jma-receipt-dbbackup/script: scp command fixed. kida
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: config_tunnel_user: check useradd and chsh command yuya
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: use $tunnelsh and $group env yuya
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: config_tunnel_user: fixed home directory entry yuya
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 次月の会計作成時に通算日数の算定を変更 azu
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUACCT 次月分作成 tatano
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 次月の会計作成(1カ月分作成に変更) azu
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUACCT 点数マイナス計算追加 tatano
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] dbbackup/jma-receipt-dbbackup/script: some fixed. kida
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca34, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/record: tbl_ptteikirrk,tbl_teikiprtに医療機関コードを追加 ota
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 次月の会計作成 azu
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: postinst fixed. kida
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 算定開始日が返却値に反映されるよう修正 ota
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 算定開始日が返却値に反映されるよう修正(2) ota
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0600.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: make file tsutomu
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: tsutomu
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HCN06.RED tsutomu
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCN06.INC tsutomu
- 2003/01/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 次月会計作成時の入院料加算チェック(医療機関情報から) azu
- 2003/01/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 患者の老人判定修正 azu
- 2003/01/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 患者の老人判定修正 azu
- 2003/01/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0630.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/record: 病棟・病室の有効開始日のチェック機能を修正 ota
- 2003/01/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/data_convert/cobol: 重複プログラムの削除 noboru
- 2003/01/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR690.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0700.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF066.INC tsutomu
- 2003/01/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF0661.INC tsutomu
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 70才以上の老人点数対象患者の判定追加 azu
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 70才以上の老人点数対象患者の判定追加 azu
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 老人判定の修正 azu
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 老人判定の修正 azu
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 特定入院料算定時の入院料加算 azu
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0640.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0690.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] dbbackup: Readme fixed. kida
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCSNYUACCT.INC 特定入院料区分の追加 azu
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 特定入院料追加 tatano
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 特定入院料追加 tatano
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/data: 特定入院料追加 tatano
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 特定入院料算定時の会計診療区分を92に変更 azu
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] dbbackup/jma-receipt-dbbackup/script: logtable bug fixed. kida
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 診療区分97の時の表示、剤変更を修正 hisanaga
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: lddef/ record/*.db が変更されたらORCA-DBPATHを再作成するように noboru
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: Nyuinacct−key15,16の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: Nyuinacct−key11,12を15、16に変更 hisanaga
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: key15,16の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/01/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ではなくてorcadb.incの間違い noboru
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 特記事項04老保の表示の判定に70歳を追加 fujihara
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 通算日数の算定を修正 azu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 略称の適用欄への編集を追加 fujihara
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: use $Id$ yuya
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定入院料チェック修正 ota
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院対応検査まとめなし、リハビリ入力追加 tatano
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0480.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0500.CBL tsutomu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCM22V01.INC tsutomu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: tsutomu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: リハビリ入院対応 tatano
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HCM22V01.RED tsutomu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: リハビリ入院対応 tatano
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: tsutomu
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者削除追加 tatano
- 2003/01/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSTEIKI.CBL 自費の集計先変更(入院対応) azu

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