- 2002/09/09 [cvs] test-commit: test commit noboru
- 2002/09/09 [cvs] CVSROOT: -> noboru
- 2002/09/09 [cvs] test-commit: test commit noboru
- 2002/09/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/data, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/init, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen, jma-receipt/scripts: fix typo stmp -> stamp. noboru
- 2002/09/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: noboru
- 2002/09/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orca00, jma-receipt/cobol/orca01, jma-receipt/cobol/orca02, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca102, jma-receipt/cobol/orca103, jma-receipt/cobol/orca104, jma-receipt/cobol/orca105, jma-receipt/cobol/orca106, jma-receipt/cobol/orca107, jma-receipt/cobol/orca11, jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/cobol/orca14, jma-receipt/cobol/orca18, jma-receipt/cobol/orca19, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/cobol/orca22, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orca24, jma-receipt/cobol/orca41, jma-receipt/cobol/orca42, jma-receipt/cobol/orca43, jma-receipt/cobol/orca44, jma-receipt/cobol/orca51, jma-receipt/cobol/orca52, jma-receipt/cobol/orca71, jma-receipt/cobol/orca82, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: cobcのチェックを追加 noboru
- 2002/09/11 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/data, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/init, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen, jma-receipt/scripts: cobcのチェック noboru
- 2002/09/12 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/data, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/init, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen, jma-receipt/scripts: prefixにorcaを追加するのでなく、prefixに noboru
- 2002/09/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts: ruby スクリプトがインストールから漏れていたので修正 noboru
- 2002/09/13 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orca00, jma-receipt/cobol/orca01, jma-receipt/cobol/orca02, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca102, jma-receipt/cobol/orca103, jma-receipt/cobol/orca104, jma-receipt/cobol/orca105, jma-receipt/cobol/orca106, jma-receipt/cobol/orca107, jma-receipt/cobol/orca11, jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/cobol/orca14, jma-receipt/cobol/orca18, jma-receipt/cobol/orca19, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/cobol/orca22, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orca24, jma-receipt/cobol/orca41, jma-receipt/cobol/orca42, jma-receipt/cobol/orca43, jma-receipt/cobol/orca44, jma-receipt/cobol/orca51, jma-receipt/cobol/orca52, jma-receipt/cobol/orca71, jma-receipt/cobol/orca82, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/data, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/init, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen, jma-receipt/scripts: add .cvsignore noboru
- 2002/09/13 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol: OpenCOBOLのパスが指定できるように修正 noboru
- 2002/09/13 [cvs] jma-receipt: cobcがまったくないときにエラーにならないバグを修正 noboru
- 2002/09/13 [cvs] jma-build: knishida
- 2002/09/14 [cvs] jma-build/build, jma-build: New scheme, using configure and Makefile knishida
- 2002/09/14 [cvs] jma-build/build: (build-panda): Fixed a typo. knishida
- 2002/09/14 [cvs] jma-build: Add sbin knishida
- 2002/09/14 [cvs] jma-build: Add sbin knishida
- 2002/09/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca03: 新規 tsutomu
- 2002/09/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 行追加テスト takeda
- 2002/09/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 競合テスト takeda
- 2002/09/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca03: ファイル削除テスト takeda
- 2002/09/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険自動変換 tatano
- 2002/09/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者登録 tatano
- 2002/09/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTBYOMEI-KEY6追加 ota
- 2002/09/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTBYOMEI-KEY6追加 ota
- 2002/09/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: noboru
- 2002/09/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 診療行為 tatano
- 2002/09/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療行為と帳票の共通 tatano
- 2002/09/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 会計照会 tatano
- 2002/09/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTBYOMEI-KEY6 - ORDER句変更 ota
- 2002/09/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: バッチ処理 fujihara
- 2002/09/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 患者病名 fujihara
- 2002/09/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: レセプト fujihara
- 2002/09/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca51: 日次統計 fujihara
- 2002/09/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca52: 月次統計 fujihara
- 2002/09/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca44: 総括・請求書 fujihara
- 2002/09/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: hcm19 add tsutomu
- 2002/09/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCM19.INC ADD tsutomu
- 2002/09/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 自院病名登録 fujihara
- 2002/09/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCSMKPRT.INC ADD tsutomu
- 2002/09/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca00, jma-receipt/cobol/orca01, jma-receipt/cobol/orca02, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca102, jma-receipt/cobol/orca103, jma-receipt/cobol/orca104, jma-receipt/cobol/orca105, jma-receipt/cobol/orca106, jma-receipt/cobol/orca107, jma-receipt/cobol/orca11, jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/cobol/orca14, jma-receipt/cobol/orca18, jma-receipt/cobol/orca19, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/cobol/orca22, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orca24, jma-receipt/cobol/orca41, jma-receipt/cobol/orca42, jma-receipt/cobol/orca43, jma-receipt/cobol/orca44, jma-receipt/cobol/orca51, jma-receipt/cobol/orca52, jma-receipt/cobol/orca71, jma-receipt/cobol/orca82, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: cobol sabun commit tsutomu
- 2002/09/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: form sabun commit tsutomu
- 2002/09/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: form sabun commit tsutomu
- 2002/09/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: lddef sabun commit tsutomu
- 2002/09/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: record sabun commit tsutomu
- 2002/09/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: screen sabun commit tsutomu
- 2002/09/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/scripts/allways, jma-receipt/scripts/daily: scripts sabun commit tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: add HC041V02.dia HC04V02.dia noboru
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orca00, jma-receipt/cobol/orca01, jma-receipt/cobol/orca02, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca102, jma-receipt/cobol/orca103, jma-receipt/cobol/orca104, jma-receipt/cobol/orca105, jma-receipt/cobol/orca106, jma-receipt/cobol/orca107, jma-receipt/cobol/orca11, jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/cobol/orca14, jma-receipt/cobol/orca18, jma-receipt/cobol/orca19, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/cobol/orca22, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orca24, jma-receipt/cobol/orca41, jma-receipt/cobol/orca42, jma-receipt/cobol/orca43, jma-receipt/cobol/orca44, jma-receipt/cobol/orca51, jma-receipt/cobol/orca52, jma-receipt/cobol/orca71, jma-receipt/cobol/orca82, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 1ファイル1行に変更 noboru
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ファイル追加 noboru
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: SAIKEISAN MOD tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: フォームを修正しました morirei
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: レコードを修正しました morirei
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: インクを修正 morirei
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 自賠責対応 tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: JIBAI TAIOU tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: jibai taiou tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: JIBAI TAIOU tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: R01COMMON-SPA tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: R04.INC tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: r04.rec tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 患者登録画面 tatano
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療行為コピー tatano
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 診療行為 tatano
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: た芭店坩戮修裡 tatano
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 老人判定秋修正 tatano
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 受付修正 tatano
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 注射薬剤追加 tatano
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/data: 注射薬剤追加 tatano
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 診療行為さ tatano
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険組合せ tatano
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01NEW.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCS01.INC tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0500.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 保険変更修正 tatano
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR090.CBL皮下筋肉内注射 fujihara
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01NEW.CBL azu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01NEW.CBL azu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01NEW.CBL azu
- 2002/09/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01NEW.CBL azu
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 患者登録修正 tatano
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者登録変更 tatano
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者再変更 tatano
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 老人エラー修正 tatano
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: c02scr-spa mod tsutomu
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0405.CBL ORCR0467.CBL ORCR0485.CBLの追加 noboru
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: ORCGKERR2.CBL の追加 noboru
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HC29 TUIKA tsutomu
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: ファイル名補間 noboru
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/debian, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/doc/examples, jma-receipt/init: 0.9.34 release対応 noboru
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: replace module. tosihiko
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version upgrade. tosihiko
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: version upgrade. tosihiko
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: parameters condition change. tosihiko
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/debian: version upgrade. tosihiko
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 初期化 tatano
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 労災変更 tatano
- 2002/09/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: ORCGP02D tatano
- 2002/09/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0091.CBL azu
- 2002/09/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0091.CBL COMMENT azu
- 2002/09/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0091.CBL azu
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0090.CBL UPDATE azu
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 算定回数変更 tatano
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 画像診断修正 tatano
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: for woody takeda
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0100.CBL KYURATE -> SHOKUJI-NISSU(1) azu
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0100.CBL KYURATE azu
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 病名画面 woody 対応 takeda
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 請求確認画面 woody 対応 takeda
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 会計照会 woody 対応 takeda
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: システム管理画面 woody 対応 takeda
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0460.CBL SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0470.CBL SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 診療行為確認画面 woody 対応 takeda
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 労災医療機関情報設定 fujihara
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/debian, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/screen: 0.9.36 release noboru
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/debian, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/screen: バージョン情報のマージ noboru
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0460.CBL SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/09/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: syusei tsutomu
- 2002/10/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSCH30 tatano
- 2002/10/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 薬剤情報修正 tatano
- 2002/10/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 患者登録SPA tatano
- 2002/10/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者登録修正 tatano
- 2002/10/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 薬剤情報一覧印刷修正 morirei
- 2002/10/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者登録メッセージ等 tatano
- 2002/10/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 老人生活保護追加 tatano
- 2002/10/01 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/scripts: 環境設定ファイル noboru
- 2002/10/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts: fix typo. noboru
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/data, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/init, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen, jma-receipt/scripts: noboru
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: バージョンエラー tatano
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: バージョンエラー tatano
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者登録修正 tatano
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: バージョンエラー tatano
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca103: バージョンエラー tatano
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca13: 患者照会修正(コンパイル強化対応) ota
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 画像診断料、注加算変更 tatano
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF041 KOMOKU TUIKA tsutomu
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0420 HENSYU SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0460 TEKIYO SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0465 TEKIYO SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: サイト用追加 tatano
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: サイト用追加 tatano
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 薬剤情報一覧印刷の修正 morirei
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 負担割合 tatano
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: ORCGP02W2.CBL tatano
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0025.CBL azu
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0410 SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0025.CBL azu
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0420 RIREKI TUIKA tsutomu
- 2002/10/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0420.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 労災加算なし追加 tatano
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 公費種別修正 tatano
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: サイト用サブプログラムの追加 noboru
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 労災電話再診変更 tatano
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0460 TEIYOU tsutomu
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: コメント変更 tatano
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 小児科外来診察料時間外加算修正 tatano
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 小児科外来診察料時間外加算 tatano
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 小児科外来診察料時間外加算 tatano
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 小児科外来診察料時間外加算 tatano
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/scripts/allways: スクリプトの汎用化(woody対応) noboru
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/scripts/allways: をから作られるように変更 noboru
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/allways: SITELIBDIR/libではなくSITELIBDIRにインストール noboru
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt: 凡ミス site -> sitedir noboru
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/debian, jma-receipt/doc/examples: debパッケージ対応 noboru
- 2002/10/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: potato debパッケージ対応 noboru
- 2002/10/04 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/debian, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/scripts/allways: jma-receipt-env ファイルを直接置き換えるように変更 noboru
- 2002/10/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/scripts/allways: *.incのインストール先修正 noboru
- 2002/10/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/example/shimane/cobol, jma-receipt/example/shimane/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/example/shimane/etc, jma-receipt/example/shimane/form, jma-receipt/example/shimane/lddef, jma-receipt/example/shimane/record, jma-receipt/example/shimane/scripts/kentan: 参考用として島根県地方公費を追加 noboru
- 2002/10/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0420 HENSYU SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0460 HENSYU SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 薬剤情報逓減削除 tatano
- 2002/10/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/scripts/allways: SITEETCDIR削除 noboru
- 2002/10/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/allways: SITEDIR でなく SITESRCDIRからコピーするように修正 noboru
- 2002/10/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/example/shimane/scripts/kentan, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/scripts: SITEDIRをデフォルトで読むように変更 noboru
- 2002/10/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts: SITEDIRをデフォルトで読むようにして、ここでは指定しない noboru
- 2002/10/04 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/form: INSTALL_DATAをconfigureから取得するように変更 noboru
- 2002/10/05 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orca00, jma-receipt/cobol/orca01, jma-receipt/cobol/orca02, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca102, jma-receipt/cobol/orca103, jma-receipt/cobol/orca104, jma-receipt/cobol/orca105, jma-receipt/cobol/orca106, jma-receipt/cobol/orca107, jma-receipt/cobol/orca11, jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/cobol/orca14, jma-receipt/cobol/orca18, jma-receipt/cobol/orca19, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/cobol/orca22, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orca24, jma-receipt/cobol/orca41, jma-receipt/cobol/orca42, jma-receipt/cobol/orca43, jma-receipt/cobol/orca44, jma-receipt/cobol/orca51, jma-receipt/cobol/orca52, jma-receipt/cobol/orca71, jma-receipt/cobol/orca82, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/debian: COPY句をmake installでインストールするように変更 noboru
- 2002/10/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/debian: COPY句は別で指定するように変更 noboru
- 2002/10/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: COPY句を make install でインストールするように変更 noboru
- 2002/10/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: copyrightファイルの削除 noboru
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/debian: fix typo. noboru
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: ORCR0103を追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HCM06.red追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 改正対応(項目追加) fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 改正対応(項目追加) fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: HCALL2.shmonpe対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: 印刷用シェルmonpe対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPMCPDBPRO.INC修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF002.INC年齢追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF007.INC fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF008.INC項目追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSK2003.INC修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCM06.INC追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: R01COMMON−SPA改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: R02.INC改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: w01.INC変更 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: W09.INC変更 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0020.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0100.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0101.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0102.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0103.CBL改正対応による追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0480.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0481.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0482.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0485.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0490.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0500.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR01.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR02.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR03.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR04.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR99.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: MakefileORCR0103.CBL追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ORCA−DBPATH追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: Makefile修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0020.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0020.CBL給付割合修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca00, jma-receipt/cobol/orca01, jma-receipt/cobol/orca02, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca102, jma-receipt/cobol/orca103, jma-receipt/cobol/orca104, jma-receipt/cobol/orca105, jma-receipt/cobol/orca106, jma-receipt/cobol/orca107, jma-receipt/cobol/orca11, jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/cobol/orca18, jma-receipt/cobol/orca19, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/cobol/orca41, jma-receipt/cobol/orca42, jma-receipt/cobol/orca43, jma-receipt/cobol/orca44, jma-receipt/cobol/orca51, jma-receipt/cobol/orca52, jma-receipt/cobol/orca71, jma-receipt/cobol/orca82, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 見栄えの修正 noboru
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 使われてない rec glade を削除 noboru
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 使われてない rec glade を削除 noboru
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 使われてない glade ファイルの削除 noboru
- 2002/10/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: record add method chenged. tosihiko
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 追加 noboru
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: ORCRGW01.CBL 修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: ORCGW09.CBL 項目追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: レセプトシェル修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc: entry miss. tosihiko
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/debian: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/data: 在宅薬剤院外処方追加 tatano
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: コメント修正 tatano
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 在宅薬剤院外処方追加 tatano
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 船員保険と75歳以上の警告 tatano
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 船員保険と老人負担割合変更 tatano
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: フリーコメント修正と在宅薬剤院外処方、75歳以上警告 tatano
- 2002/10/08 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca00, jma-receipt/cobol/orca01, jma-receipt/cobol/orca02, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca102, jma-receipt/cobol/orca103, jma-receipt/cobol/orca104, jma-receipt/cobol/orca105, jma-receipt/cobol/orca106, jma-receipt/cobol/orca107, jma-receipt/cobol/orca11, jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/cobol/orca14, jma-receipt/cobol/orca18, jma-receipt/cobol/orca19, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/cobol/orca22, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orca24, jma-receipt/cobol/orca41, jma-receipt/cobol/orca42, jma-receipt/cobol/orca43, jma-receipt/cobol/orca44, jma-receipt/cobol/orca51, jma-receipt/cobol/orca52, jma-receipt/cobol/orca71, jma-receipt/cobol/orca82, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/debian: make install-copys でcopyファイルがインストールされるように変更 noboru
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0090.CBL初診の適用欄修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 不要なCOPY句削除 takeda
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 患者登録低所得者変更 tatano
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 点数マスタ更新診療種別変更 tatano
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 点数マスタ更新診療種別変更 tatano
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療種別テーブル編集変更 tatano
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療種別テーブル編集最大数変 tatano
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 点数マスタ診療種別件数変更、半角変換追加 tatano
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 不要なCOPY句削除 noboru
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0090.CBL電話再診を全て出力 fujihara
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 受付保険記号番号追加 tatano
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 受付記号番号追加 tatano
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 受付記号番号追加 tatano
- 2002/10/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: 受付記号番号追加他 tatano
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 外来管理加算チェック追加 tatano
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 外来管理加算チェック追加 tatano
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 外来管理加算チェック追加 tatano
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 外来管理加算チェック追加 tatano
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 外来管理加算チェック変更 tatano
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 外来管理加算チェック有無 tatano
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 外来管理加算チェック有無 tatano
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: エラー修正 tatano
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: copy 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: orcabt 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: copy 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: orcabt 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: orca42 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca43: orca43 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca44: orca44 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: form 改正対応総括表 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: H01.glade改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: record 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: recept3.sh改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: ORCBM022,ORCBM023追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01NEW.CBL fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSK1008.INC tatano
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: tbl_prtdata.db醜猝楪媛 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: tbl_prtdata.db変更 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSPRT.CBL fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: tbl_prtdata.db変更による修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: makefile fujihara
- 2002/10/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 訂正薬剤情報、フリーコメント tatano
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: KAISEI TAIOU tsutomu
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: KAISEI TAIOU tsutomu
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF001.INC改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0010.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 患者登録桁数 tatano
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 患者登録桁数 tatano
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 老人公費入力修正 tatano
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: kaisei taiou tsutomu
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca107: 薬剤情報登録変更 ota
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 薬剤情報登録画面変更 ota
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM023.CBL改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM023.CBL fujihara
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM023.CBL fujihara
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 生保単独老人判定 tatano
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 生保単独老人変更 tatano
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 住所一覧変更 tatano
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: fujihara
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 訂正のコメント修正 tatano
- 2002/10/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自動算定のコメントカーソル修正 tatano
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: 予約時間修正 tatano
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: ORCBM025.CBL追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: ORCBM025追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: fujihara
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCM2E.INC HCM2F.INC fujihara
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 国保総括表 改正対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: woody対応患者登録、氏名検索 tatano
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: woody対応患者登録、氏名検索 tatano
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: woody対応患者登録、氏名検索 tatano
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: morirei
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HC04V03.dia HC041V03.dia追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: HC041V03.def HC04V03.def追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 国保総括表 fujihara
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM004.CBL ORCBM012.CBL 名称修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/debian: version update tosihiko
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 点数マスタ一覧サイト区分追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR02.CBL 次頁ボタンのチェック追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: Makefile fujihara
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca13: OpenCOBOL コンパイルエラー対応 ota
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者登録番号エラー、船員チェック tatano
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: OpenCOBOL0.9.7.8エラー tatano
- 2002/10/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: OpenCOBOL0.9.7.8エラー tatano
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/debian: mail address change. tosihiko
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0103.CBL 県単 fujihara
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL KIZAI COUNT azu
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: TUIKA SYUUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: TUIKA SYUUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR002ORCR0020 azu
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: woody対応診療選択 tatano
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: woddy対応診療行為 tatano
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: woody対応診療行為 tatano
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 診療選択戻り修正他 tatano
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM025.CBL fujihara
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBD002.CBL ORCBD003.CBL 自費集計修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 赦RCBM001.CBL ORCBM022.CBL 船員保険修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM001.CBL 船員保険修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCM06.INC 氏名の桁数修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 氏名の長さ修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: kaisei syuusei tsutomu
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HC06V01.dia レセプト氏名桁数変更 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: HC06V01.def レセプト氏名桁数変更 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HC06.INC レセプト氏名桁数変更 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0100.CBL レセプト氏名件数変更 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR02.CBL 印刷順変更時みの頁設定 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPPRTCONST.INC 帳票ID追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: KOUHIRAN SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: kouhiran syuusei tsutomu
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM004.CBL ORCBM012.CBL パラメタ変更 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 国保総括パラメタ変更 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 日次統計・月次統計 rec再作成 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 日次統計・月次統計 INC再作成 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 見出し修正 tatano
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: woody対応患者登録 tatano
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 総括・公費請求書 INC再作成 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 総括・公費請求書 rec再作成 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: woody対応 ota
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 再印刷 rec再作成 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 再印刷 INC再作成 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca13: woody対応 ota
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC04.CBL fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: kouhiran syusei tsutomu
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: kouhiran syuusei tsutomu
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HC17V01.dia 説明文追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 請求管理 rec再作成 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 請求管理 INC再作成 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: KAISEI SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: SEIKYU-KEY14追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: SEIKYU-KEY14追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: KAISEI SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 任継自動発生修正 tatano
- 2002/10/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 請求管理 在宅区分追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca43: 請求管理 在宅区分追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 請求管理 在宅区分つ媛 fujihara
- 2002/10/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 請求管理 在宅区分追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPPRTCONST.INC fujihara
- 2002/10/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/debian: version changed. tosihiko
- 2002/10/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: site-libの削除(現状のpotatoの仕樣にあわせる) noboru
- 2002/10/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPPRTCONST.INC修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/20 [cvs] jma-receipt: config.cache config.log config.status を distclean で削除するように変更 noboru
- 2002/10/20 [cvs] jma-receipt: config.cache config.log config.status を distclean で削除するように変更 noboru
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSDAY.CBL 漢字項目の半角空白を全角空白へ修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 印刷用ファイルにサイト区分追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: ファイルにサイト区分追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: サイト区分追加 ota
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 慢性疼痛疾患管理料修正 tatano
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: KAISEI SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: KAISEI SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険名称編集変更 tatano
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/debian: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSMKPRTSITE.CBL修正 tatano
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0103.CBL 病名全角空白変換 fujihara
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: KAISEI SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: KAISEI SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: coment sakujyo tsutomu
- 2002/10/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM022.CBL ORCBM025.CBL エラー時の処理修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/example/shimane/cobol, jma-receipt/example/shimane/scripts/kentan: woody対応 takeda
- 2002/10/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 在宅薬剤院外点数 tatano
- 2002/10/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts: fix typo LDDERDIR -> LDDEFDIR noboru
- 2002/10/23 [cvs] jma-receipt: woody版作成のための patch 追加 noboru
- 2002/10/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: CHIHOU ROJIN KAISEI TAIOU tsutomu
- 2002/10/23 [cvs] tunnel-scripts, tunnel-scripts/debian: fixed log facility same as pppd yuya
- 2002/10/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 減免事理表示修正 tatano
- 2002/10/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 保険内自費のみのときレセを作成しない fujihara
- 2002/10/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca103: page index bugfix. tosihiko
- 2002/10/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca01: 情報画面自動表示追加 fujihara
- 2002/10/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: レベル誤り訂正 takeda
- 2002/10/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 慢性疼痛管理料開始日変更 tatano
- 2002/10/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPPRTCONST.INC UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/10/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBPRT.CBL fujihara
- 2002/10/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/debian: version updated. tosihiko
- 2002/10/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 薬剤情報提供書印刷修正 morirei
- 2002/10/25 [cvs] jma-receipt: noboru
- 2002/10/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/debian: version changed. tosihiko
- 2002/10/25 [cvs] jma-receipt: noboru
- 2002/10/25 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol: OpenCOBOL 0.9対応 noboru
- 2002/10/26 [cvs] jma-receipt: 再作成 noboru
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: woody対応 takeda
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: woody対応 takeda
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: woody対応 takeda
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: woody対応 takeda
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 検索変更 tatano
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt: open-cobol の prefix と exec-prefix の意味を同じに変更 noboru
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPHOMEDIR.INC の自動作成 noboru
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol: copy も all: clean: distclean: を通るように修正 noboru
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPHOMEDIR.INC をインストールされるように修正 noboru
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: *ld の自動作成 noboru
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: 自動作成に変更したため削除 noboru
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 改行コード追加 takeda
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: genmen syusei tsutomu
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: pro tuika tsutomu
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: CALL PRO SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: 最新にした(orca21.ld からコピー) noboru
- 2002/10/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: を編集したらldを作り直すように依存に追加 noboru
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療行為woody対応 tatano
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療行為woody対応 tatano
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: woody対応、一部負担金サブ変更 tatano
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 公費負担者番号全角入力 tatano
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 修正 tatano
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 修正 tatano
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt: インストールの仕方 追加 noboru
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR02.CBL 印刷順03.04の修正 fujihara
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: 日医標準レセプトソフトコーディング規約 追加 noboru
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: ちょっとだけ増やした noboru
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: test noboru
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: test削除 noboru
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI02.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI03.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGIERR.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI0ID1.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI0SUB01.CBL azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI4ERR.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI4ID1.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: cpp を @CPP@に変更 noboru
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGO01.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGO02.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGO03.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGO99.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGOERR.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGOID1.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: ORCGOID2.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc: データベース名追加 noboru
- 2002/10/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/scripts/allways: @jma-receipt-env@ を読む込むように変更 noboru
- 2002/10/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: noboru
- 2002/10/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/scripts/daily, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: @jma-receipt-env@ を読む込むように変更 noboru
- 2002/10/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: LDFLAGS から LDFILEFLAGS に変更 noboru
- 2002/10/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PATHを自動取得するように変更 noboru
- 2002/10/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0101.CBL レセプトの印刷 : fujihara
- 2002/10/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: tbl_recekanri.db fujihara
- 2002/10/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: tbl_receprt.db fujihara
- 2002/10/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0103.CBL 負担者番号・受給者番号全角対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCM06V01.INC レセプト全角対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: レセプト全角対応 fujihara
- 2002/10/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 特定薬剤治療管理チェック修正 tatano
- 2002/10/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 訂正時の算定回数計算修正 tatano
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca36: ORCGI20.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca36: ORCGI21.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca36: ORCGI2ERR.CBL ADD azu
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca36: ORCGI2ID1.CBL azu
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: woody対応 tatano
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: woody対応 tatano
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HCM06V01.red修正 morirei
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0020.CBL ROUJIN-HANTEI SHUSEI azu
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HCM06V01.red修正 morirei
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HCM06V01.red修正 morirei
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 船員保険補助区分修正 tatano
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 船員保険補助区分修正 tatano
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 船員保険補助区分修正 tatano
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 船員保険補助区分修正 tatano
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt: woodyパッチを最新に更新 noboru
- 2002/10/31 [cvs] jma-receipt: woody パッチ更新 noboru
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 外来管理加算チェック修正 tatano
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 外来管理加算チェック修正 tatano
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 外来管理加算チェック修正 tatano
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 外来管理加算チェック追加 tatano
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 外来管理加算チェック修正 tatano
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HCM06V01.red修正 morirei
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者複写修正 tatano
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 船員保険修正 tatano
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HCM06V01.red修正 morirei
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 受給者番号全角対応 tatano
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 受給者番号全角対応 tatano
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 受給者番号全角対応 tatano
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 受給者番号全角対応 tatano
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: MANSEI TOTUSIKKAN SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: mansei totusikkan syusei tsutomu
- 2002/11/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: MANSEI TOTUSIKKAN SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/11/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: JYOKEN SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/11/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: woddy対応(orca24) tatano
- 2002/11/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: woddy対応(orca24) tatano
- 2002/11/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 一括入力 tatano
- 2002/11/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: JYUKEN SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/11/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/cobol/orca42, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/debian, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 0_9_38 ブランチで 0.9.38-1 - 0.9.38-2 差分吸収 noboru
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: SAKUJYO tsutomu
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: member sakujyo tsutomu
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca00, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orca24, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca32, jma-receipt/cobol/orca33, jma-receipt/cobol/orca42, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/data, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/init, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen, jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/scripts/allways, jma-receipt/scripts/daily, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 入院版開始 noboru
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt: 入院版では意味がないので woodyパッチ削除 noboru
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca02, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca105, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca32, jma-receipt/cobol/orca33, jma-receipt/cobol/orca34, jma-receipt/cobol/orca36, jma-receipt/cobol/orca51, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 入院版開始 noboru
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院版開始 noboru
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/debian: 入院版開始 noboru
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: orcabt 0.9UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HC26.INC tsutomu
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: インストールリストにミスがあったので修正 noboru
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: orcr0420.cbl tsutomu
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: kinki check bugfix. tosihiko
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 算定履歴追加修正 tatano
- 2002/11/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険組合せ履歴更新修正 tatano
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF0061.INC レセプトの適用欄修正 fujihara
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: orcabt レセプト摘要欄修正 fujihara
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR01.CBL 診療年月のチェック追加 fujihara
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: woddy対応予約 tatano
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: woddy対応予約 tatano
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 選択修正 tatano
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: DO選択修正 tatano
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: DO選択修正他 tatano
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: CD選択修正 tatano
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM022.CBL 船員保険対応 fujihara
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCHC30.CBL修正 morirei
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca107: ORCGN21.CBL修正 morirei
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: WOODY対応 morirei
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 入院患者登録 tatano
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院患者登録 tatano
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ファイルチェックの追加 noboru
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院患者情報 tatano
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院woddy対応予約 tatano
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院woddy対応予約 tatano
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院禁忌情報エラー修正 tatano
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: CPNYUINACCT ... コメント修正 ota
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca107, jma-receipt/record: WOODY入院対応 morirei
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: I4SCR-SPA SHUSEI azu
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL SHUSEI azu
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: woddy対応予約 tatano
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: woddy対応予約 tatano
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: woddy対応予約 tatano
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: woddy対応予約 tatano
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0020.CBL 保険履歴の自費の修正 fujihara
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 保険組合せ対応 azu
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL 約束処方 azu
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0420.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0475.CBL SAKUJYO tsutomu
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0475.CBL SAKUJYO tsutomu
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01NEW.CBL SAKUJYO tsutomu
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01NEW.CBL SAKUJYO tsutomu
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM001.CBL 件数の表示修正 fujihara
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0103.CBL 職務上の事由の編集 fujihara
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol: filecheck 追加 hiki
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL SRYACCT-READ SHUSEI azu
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: レセプトス駟欅貮怍欷閏垳Ï睚❹暴だ fujihara
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: filecheck 追加 hiki
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: @jma-receipt-env@ から取得するように変更 noboru
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: filecheck 追加 hiki
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts: .in に修正し忘れを修正 noboru
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: filecheck 追加 hiki
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: filecheck 追加 hiki
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol: filecheck 追加 hiki
- 2002/11/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: @jma-receipt-env@を使うように変更 noboru
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0050.CBL TENKIYMD UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0440.CBL SYUSEI tsutomu
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0480.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0481.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0485.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: ダミー診察料追加 tatano
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ダミー診察料追加 tatano
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: ダミー診察料追加 tatano
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HC24.dia変更 morirei
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: HC24.def変更 morirei
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HC24.INC変更 morirei
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HC24.dia変更 morirei
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: HC24.def変更 morirei
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HC24.INC変更 morirei
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HC24.dia tsutomu
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/data, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/init, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/scripts: ORCA_DIR=exec_prefix noboru
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: とりあえずBASE_DIR は引数で渡すように変更 noboru
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/allways, jma-receipt/scripts/daily, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 最初のチェックは省略できるので省略 noboru
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/init: @jma-receipt-env@ を見るように変更 noboru
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: ORCA_DIR=exec_prefix noboru
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/etc: ORCA_DIR=exec_prefix noboru
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt: woodyパッチ更新 noboru
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/data, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/init, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen, jma-receipt/scripts: トップから make filecheck が出来るように noboru
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/init: init_SCRIPT から init_scripts に変更 noboru
- 2002/11/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/init, jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/scripts/allways, jma-receipt/scripts/daily, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 環境変数をチェックする記述が間違っていたので修正 noboru
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/init: make clean で自動作成ファイルを削除 noboru
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 入院用追加 tatano
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院用追加 tatano
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院用追加 tatano
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 入院用追加 tatano
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca00: 入力用追加 tatano
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: 業務入院用追加 tatano
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt: ディレクトリの修正が必要なくなった。 noboru
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 文字コード修正 (sift-jis -> euc) ota
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca00, jma-receipt/screen: Nyuin Menu ついか azu
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 職員情報コメント修正 tatano
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/data, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/init, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen, jma-receipt/scripts, jma-receipt/scripts/allways, jma-receipt/scripts/daily, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 自動作成関連をマージ noboru
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: INSTALL_DATA でインストールしているつもりが noboru
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: INSTALL_DATA でインストールしているつもりが noboru
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: 追加 ld分を消してしまったので戻した noboru
- 2002/11/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: 自動作成に変更(入院追加分) noboru
- 2002/11/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: woody対応 takeda
- 2002/11/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: 入院対応 ota
- 2002/11/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: argument response to slash hiki
- 2002/11/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 併用禁忌チェックの不具合対応 noboru
- 2002/11/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 3歳の患者負担計算と70歳の薬剤一部負担金の修正 noboru
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: woddy対応システム管理 tatano
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: woddy対応システム管理 tatano
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: woddy対応システム管理 tatano
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 患者が確定した時点で前回患者情報に患者番号・IDを設定する処理を追加 ota
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR02.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: woddy対応システム管理 tatano
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: woddy対応システム管理 tatano
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 総括表 opencobol 0.9 err update fujihara
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: woddy対応システム管理 tatano
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: woddy対応、一括入力 tatano
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/copy: make install したときに copy を make しなかったのを修正 noboru
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol: make install したときに copy を make しなかったのを修正 noboru
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: make install したときに copy を make しなかったのを修正 noboru
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中途終了時間外修正 tatano
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: 自動作成に変更したため削除 noboru
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/record: woody対応 takeda
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt: K08関連をマージしたため削除 noboru
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 入院登録より遷移修正 tatano
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: エラー修正他 tatano
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 潜在バグ対応 fujihara
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc: 設定ファイルが上書きされないように修正 noboru
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc: 設定ファイルが上書きされないように修正 noboru
- 2002/11/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 船員保険の修正時の表示エラー tatano
- 2002/11/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 修正もれ tatano
- 2002/11/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 一括入力修正他 tatano
- 2002/11/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 保険組合せ選択修正 tatano
- 2002/11/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/allways: 置き換えられるスクリプトに allwaysを追加 noboru
- 2002/11/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: woddy対応受付一覧 tatano
- 2002/11/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: woddy対応受付一覧 tatano
- 2002/11/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/allways: 置き換えられるスクリプトに allwaysを追加 noboru
- 2002/11/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: woddy対応他 tatano
- 2002/11/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: woddy対応点数マスタ更新 tatano
- 2002/11/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: woddy対応点数マスタ更新 tatano
- 2002/11/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 自費消費税計算修正 tatano
- 2002/11/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 請求書自費消費税修正 tatano
- 2002/11/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC04.CBL SELNUM1 UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: ORCGU02.CBL OPENCOBOL 0.9 UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: エラー修正 tatano
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: woddy対応チェックマスタ tatano
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: woddy対応チェックマスタ tatano
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: woddy対応チェックマスタ tatano
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca103: wody対応、一括入力 tatano
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca103: 修正もれ tatano
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: update fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC02.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCA22 update fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: エラーメッセージ追加 tatano
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR02.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0050.CBL TENKIYMD update fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0020.CBL 保険履歴の自費の表示をやめる fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: レセプト摘要欄修正 fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF0061.INC 摘要欄の修正 fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR01.CBL 診療年月りチェック追加 fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM001.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM004.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM012.CBL UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM022.CBL UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM025.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: orcabt UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record: 入院基本料加算チェック修正 ota
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/debian, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/screen: release_0_9_38_3 noboru
- 2002/11/19 [cvs] jma-receipt: 0.9.38-3 woodyパッチ更新 noboru
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: fixed for [middle:04066] yuya
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: config_file: fixed filename yuya
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: GO TO先誤り修正 ota
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca13: GOTO先誤り修正 ota
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0440.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0480.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0481.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0485.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: GO TO 修正 tatano
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: GO TO 修正 tatano
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: GO TO 修正 tatano
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC02.CBL BACK UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 外来管理加算算定の初期表示修正 tatano
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: CLAIM対応他 tatano
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CLAIM処理追加 tatano
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: CLAIM追加 tatano
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: CLAIM追加 tatano
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: CLAIM追加 tatano
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: CLAIM追加 tatano
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: orca102.ld .in update fujihara
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: GO TO 修正 tatano
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CLAIMシステム管理コピー tatano
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca02, jma-receipt/cobol/orca11, jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/screen: ファイル追加 noboru
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca105, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca32, jma-receipt/cobol/orca33, jma-receipt/cobol/orca34, jma-receipt/cobol/orca36: add .cvsignore noboru
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/init, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/scripts/allways, jma-receipt/scripts/daily, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: add .cvsignore noboru
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: $pppd_pid_file: removed yuya
- 2002/11/20 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: log_tag: add yuya
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自賠用器材追加 tatano
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 自賠用器材追加他 tatano
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 自賠用器材追加 tatano
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC03.CBL GOTO UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC03.CBL GOTO UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 患者登録補助区分修正 tatano
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 共済下船3月追加 tatano
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 共済下船3月追加 tatano
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 修正もれ tatano
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: P02X追加 ota
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 日付変換チェック修正 tatano
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSK1033.INC ADD 県内保険者情報 azu
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSK1033.INC ADD 県内保険者情報 azu
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSK1032.INC 予備の桁数変更 azu
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPSK1032.INC 予備の桁数変更 azu
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC03.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/11/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC03.CBL UPDATE fujihara
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0410.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0420.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0465.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF0461.INC tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF0471.INC tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0410.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0420.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0465.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF0461.INC tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPRCF0471.INC tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: ORCGS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: ORCGS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: ORCGS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: ORCGS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: CLAIM修正 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: CLAIM修正 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: セット登録印刷画面修正 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: CLAIM対応、自陪器材、労災計算修正 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療行為修正いろいろ tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CLAIM追加診療行為 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: K03X追加 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: K03X追加 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca00: 入院吸収 tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 入院から外来へ tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: member add. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: member add. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: member add. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca00: member add. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: member add. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0430.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院吸収21 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院吸収P tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院吸収W tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院吸収N tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院吸収J tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院吸収Z tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: orabt update fujihara
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: member add. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca103: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: W24,W25 ... woody対応 ota
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: member add ORCMUP0051.CBL tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: member add CPSRYCDCHGWK.INC tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: fujihara
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院区分 tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 画面再表示時の不具合修正 ota
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院吸収 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 修正 tatano
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/cobol, jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca02, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca11, jma-receipt/cobol/orca12, jma-receipt/cobol/orca14, jma-receipt/cobol/orca21, jma-receipt/cobol/orca22, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca32, jma-receipt/cobol/orca33, jma-receipt/cobol/orca34, jma-receipt/cobol/orca36, jma-receipt/cobol/orca51, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/data, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/init, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen, jma-receipt/scripts/allways, jma-receipt/scripts/daily, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 入院機能吸収 ota
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: open-cobol 0.9 対応 tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 項目二重定義 tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS01.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 項目二重定義 tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: member add. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: member add. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 項目二重定義 tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 項目二重定義 tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: orcs02.cbl delete tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: member add. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPNYUINKHN.INC 決定点修正 azu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: member add. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCS02.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 修正 azu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ORCSNYUFTN.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI02.CBL 修正 azu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: level invalid. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: level invalid. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: level invalid. tosihiko
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca36: ORCGI20.CBL 修正 azu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: ORCGW21.CBL 修正 azu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: W20SCR-SPA 修正 azu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/debian: debian_potato_jma-receipt へ移動 noboru
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: W20SCR-SPA KHNRYO-ITM azu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: W22SCR-SPA MOTO-PG azu
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: debian woody noboru
- 2002/11/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: W27SCR-SPA CMB-IDX1 azu
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC02.CBL update fujihara
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: CLAIM画面追加 tatano
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: TERMIDをX(16)から32 へX tatano
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療行為TERMIDX(16) X(32)へ tatano
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: orca22 FILE-TERMID update fujihara
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: TREMID X(16)からX(32)他 tatano
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: TERMID X(16)をX(32)へ他 tatano
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療行為TERMID X(16)をX(32)へ他 tatano
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0010.CBL 自賠責読み飛ばし fujihara
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: TERMID X(16)をX(32)へ tatano
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: CLAIM画面追加 tatano
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: ベット数より入院表示判定 tatano
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: module removed. tosihiko
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: module removed. tosihiko
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: module removed. tosihiko
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: module removed. tosihiko
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: module removed. tosihiko
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: module removed. tosihiko
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0025.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0410.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: ワーニング修正 tatano
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/init: 設定ファイルを読み込んでなかったので修正 noboru
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc: DOCDIR add. tosihiko
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts: DOCDIR add. tosihiko
- 2002/11/25 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: link tosihiko
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] CVSROOT: jma-receipt_p で potato の debianを含むモジュール noboru
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 訂正時の修正 tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: font追加 tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: COMMITもれ tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: ORCGR03.CBL 初画面表示修正 fujihara
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 診療科を50件へ tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療科50件へ tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療科50件へ tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: タイトルバーのXを無効にする takeda
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC08.CBL メッセージ追加 fujihara
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: ORCGJ024.CBL メッセージ追加 fujihara
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca00: すべて外来とする tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 診療科99件へ tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療科99件へ tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療科99件へ tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0020.CBL 船員保険のレセプト種別の判定修正 fujihara
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: method change. tosihiko
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: link method changed. tosihiko
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: タイトルバーの×を無効にする(修正) noboru
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0482.CBL close ADD fujihara
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0103.CBL 事由の編集に共済組合追加 fujihara
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt: ベースを woodyに(potato は jma-receipt-potato.patch をあてる) noboru
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 一旦元に戻す noboru
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: タイトルバーの×を無効にする(再修正) noboru
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療科ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療科ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: 診療科ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 診療科ドクター件数変更 tatano
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBM022.CBL 共済組合と船員組合の前期高齢者の集計 fujihara
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: シンボリックリンク修正 noboru
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/allways: fix typo noboru
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: woody対応 takeda
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: woody. tosihiko
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/allways: woody対応 takeda
- 2002/11/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: NYUGAIKBN SET. tosihiko
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0020.CBL 共済組合の下船3ヶ月のレセプト種別の編集 fujihara
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/data: 診療種別変更 tatano
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: ORCGS02.CBL クリア時の入外区分セット azu
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: orca22 nyugaikbn add fujihara
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: ORCGS02.CBL 前回患者の未設定修正 azu
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0103.CBL 0.9 update fujihara
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc: DBSTUB woody. tosihiko
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt: dbstub の位置を woody用にしたためパッチ更新 noboru
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: 予約時間修正 tatano
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 画面遷移のエラー修正 tatano
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 老人保険チェックに船員下船を追加 tatano
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0025.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0030.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0090.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0091.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0410.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0420.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0460.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0470.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 入院遷移削除 tatano
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca13: 病名検索の不具合を修正 ota
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 入院画面遷移削除 tatano
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 住所新画面 tatano
- 2002/11/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 住所変更 tatano
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0040.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0430.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0040.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: screen update fujihara
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: HOME設定 takeda
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: ORCGC07.CBL アフターケアの受診日表示の修正 fujihara
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 慢性疼痛算定チェック修正 tatano
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 基本情報院内処方発行チェック修正 tatano
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: W15.INC add fujihara
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: ORCGW15.CBL add fujihara
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: W15.rec add fujihara
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: add fujihara
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 処方のみの対応 tatano
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中途終了の指導料算定修正 tatano
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: W15 add fujihara
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0103.CBL 県内扱い保険者番号追加 fujihara
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0020.CBL add fujihara
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0040.CBL tsutomu
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0090.CBL 初診時の適用欄加算表示追加 azu
- 2002/11/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: ORCGD02.CBL 半角チェック修正 hisanaga
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: ORCGW01.CBL レセプト種別情報表示削除 fujihara
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0103.CBL 県内扱い保険者の判定の修正 fujihara
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0100.CBL 県内扱い保険者の判定の追加 fujihara
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record: 病棟管理/病室管理情報修正(診療科99件対応込) ota
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 指標の指定誤りを修正 ota
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 船員保険老人修正 tatano
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 添字エラー tatano
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 判定修正 tatano
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 船員前期高齢者初期表示 tatano
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/record: 診療科99件、ドクター50件対応 ota
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCR0090.CBL 検査の適用欄器材表示修正 azu
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 小児科外来診察料のエラー修正 tatano
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] debian_potato_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2002/11/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts: scripts/ filecheck add. hiki
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 電話再診と生活習慣病コード修正 tatano
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 新規追加 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 新規追加 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 新規追加 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 新規追加 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 新規追加 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 新規追加 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 新規追加 hisanaga
- 2002/12/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 新規追加 hisanaga

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