- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 入院レセ続紙区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: コメント行修正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: GOTO誤り修正 ota
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: GO TO 修正 tatano
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: GO TO 修正 tatano
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 特定器材<画像診断のフィルム以外>の時、単価を編集する tsutomu
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入力コード20桁エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 保険選択修正 tatano
- 2003/04/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 次月会計作成時の保険組合せ退避 azu
- 2003/04/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 保険組合せ選択時の修正 fujihara
- 2003/04/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 年齢表示修正 ota
- 2003/04/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 受診歴があるときのエラーの修正 azu
- 2003/04/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 会計次月作成時の食事区分セット azu
- 2003/04/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 会計次月作成時の食事区分退避項目の追加 azu
- 2003/04/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 社保診療報酬請求書の改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 社保診療報酬請求書の改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 社保診療報酬請求書の改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 社保診療報酬請求書の改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: 印刷画面の名称表示の修正 fujihara
- 2003/04/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 県内扱い分を県内分の最後に表示 fujihara
- 2003/04/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/cobol/copy: SEIKYU-KEY20 ADD fujihara
- 2003/04/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 外来レセのカスタマイズ項目追加 fujihara
- 2003/04/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 次月会計作成時の食事区分 azu
- 2003/04/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 不明分のとき保険履歴情報は作成しない fujihara
- 2003/04/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 全角判定修正、約束コード編集修正 tatano
- 2003/04/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 回数の関連誤りと表示しているメッセージを状態別に細かく表示するように変更 hisanaga
- 2003/04/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL エラーMSGの変更 azu
- 2003/04/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 転科/転棟時に直前の食事区分を退避 azu
- 2003/04/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 異動取消し時の会計再作成分食事セット azu
- 2003/04/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 退院取消時の食事区分退避 azu
- 2003/04/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定入院料で月内で入院点数が異なる場合の対応 azu
- 2003/04/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定入院起算日の修正 azu
- 2003/04/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定入院料の加算チェック azu
- 2003/04/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 診療区分の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/04/15 [cvs] jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-7, jma-receipt-manual/occasionally/s4-4-2: 変更追従 saitou
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca00: END-IF追加 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: END-IF追加 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: END-IF追加 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: END-IF追加 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: END-IF追加 tsutomu
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: end-if追加 tsutomu
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: END-IF追加 ota
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: END−IFの修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ENF−IFの修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 複数診療科表示追加、負担金計算パラメタ修正 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 複数診療科表示追加 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 複数診療科表示追加 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 複数診療科表示追加、診療科訂正追加、負担金計算修正他 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 複数診療科編集、診療科訂正追加他 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: JYURRK-UPD1修正他 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 年齢チェック負担割合修正 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 請求書労災指定医療きかん追加 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 自賠責文書料消費税対応 ota
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: JYURRK-UKEY追加 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: END-IF追加 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 診療所老人医療管理料の退院取消対応 azu
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: カーソル移動修正 tatano
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 労災非指定医療機関対応等 tsutomu
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 労災非指定医療機関対応等 tsutomu
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 労災非指定医療機関対応等 tsutomu
- 2003/04/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 労災非指定医療機関対応等 tsutomu
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: コメント修正 tatano
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: コメント修正 tatano
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: コメント修正他 tatano
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: 初期化追加 tatano
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca18: 初期化追加 tatano
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca19: 初期化追加 tatano
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: コメント半角カナ文字訂正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 対象診療科の病名を表示するように修正・複数端末での病名重複の修正 fujihara
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 消費税有無区分を漢字表記に修正 ota
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 結核/精神一部負担金編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 早期リハビリ加算ハ追加 tatano
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 外来レセプト 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 外来レセプト 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: 外来レセプト 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 外来レセプト 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: 外来レセプト 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 外来レセプト 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: ピリオド抜け修正 ota
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: SYUNOU-KEY13追加 tatano
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: SYUNOU-KEY13追加 tatano
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 入院の実日数、保険組合せ、外泊のチェック修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 入院の実日数、保険組合せ、外泊チェックの修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 剤選択時のカーソル位置を一括修正入力に変更 hisanaga
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 抽出年月のクリアタイミングの修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: NYUINACCT−KEY18の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/04/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: NYUINACCT−KEY18の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 処方せん免表示削除 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 更新件数のDBへの更新 fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 複数科まとめ表示追加他 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 科訂正修正、複数科まとめ表示追加 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 複数科まとめ表示追加 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: コラムリストへの主病名の表示を変更 fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 食事療養3月超記載廃止 tsutomu
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 社保・診療報酬請求書 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 社保・診療報酬請求書 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 社保・診療報酬請求書 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: JYURRK-KEY20追加 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: JYURRK-KEY20追加 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院調剤料削除修正 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 社保・診療報酬請求書 職務上の一部負担金の表示を追加 fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 退院時調剤料を削除しない tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: SEIKYU-KEY20,KEY21 ADD fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: SEIKYU-KEY21,KEY22 ADD fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 登録時に調剤料を算定する tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療科変更時点滴手技料の変更修正 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 訂正前診療科設定 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 訂正前診療科追加 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 国保・診療報酬請求書 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 国保・診療報酬請求書 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: 国保・診療報酬請求書 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 国保・診療報酬請求書 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 消炎鎮痛処置訂正時回数エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 国保・診療報酬請求書 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 国保・診療報酬請求書 改正対応 fujihara
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: CT.MRI修正 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: CT,MRI修正 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 作業領域のクリアタイミング変更 hisanaga
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt, debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp, jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: CT,MRI修正 tatano
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: CT,MRI修正 tatano
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 請求額固定時の対応 azu
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: END-IF追加 fujihara
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: END-IF追加 fujihara
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca43: END-IF追加 fujihara
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca44: END-IF追加 fujihara
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca103: END-EVALUATE追加 tatano
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: END-IF追加 tatano
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 複数科まとめ表示修正 tatano
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 点滴点数退院以降分集計除く tsutomu
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: END-IF追加 fujihara
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 画像診断入院一括入力時修正 tatano
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: linksize は既に廃止されているため noboru
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 保険一括変更修正 tatano
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 保険一括変更チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院の検索戻りのカーソル位置修正 tatano
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 改正対応:平成14年9月以前分のレセプト作成 tosihiko
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 外泊区分4のとき食事のクリア処理を行わないように修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 配列添字クリアタイミング修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/21 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 訂正前保険組合せ追加 tatano
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 訂正前保険組合せチェック追加 tatano
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 訂正前保険組合せ追加 tatano
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院画面から外来画面へ遷移時の画面クリア tatano
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 外泊区分4の時加算部分の剤情報のクリア処理を中止する hisanaga
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 特定器材数量編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 小児科まるめの電話再診時間外判定追加 tatano
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: コラムリストに診療科を追加 ota
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: SYUNOU-KEY14追加 ota
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 保険組合せ名称の修正 fujihara
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 保険組合せ名称の修正 fujihara
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 保険組合せ名称の修正 fujihara
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 剤回数がゼロの剤編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 地方公費のみ選択されているとき種別不明としてレセプトを作成する fujihara
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 未収額表示追加 ota
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中途終了分表示修正 tatano
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中途終了分修正 tatano
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 中途終了分修正 tatano
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 食事療養<3月超>の記載 tsutomu
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 入院行為チェック部分の修正 hisanaga
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/22 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 画像診断バグ修正 tatano
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自動加算削除追加 tatano
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/data: 724追加 tatano
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 負担金計算:回ー固定額 tsutomu
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中途終了時排他制御解除追加、診察料変換修正 tatano
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 収納明細−入返金日の設定修正(退院日→運用日) ota
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 負担金計算:回ー固定額 tsutomu
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中途表示展開修正 tatano
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険組合せ変更時確認メッセージ追加 tatano
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 保険組合せ変更時確認追加 tatano
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 公費請求書DBの給付割合の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/23 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 一部負担金()書き編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/24 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: カスタマイズ項目の順序変更 fujihara
- 2003/04/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 輸血はコメント編集対象外とする tsutomu
- 2003/04/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 年齢チェックを入院基本料以外とする tatano
- 2003/04/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 特定疾患自動算定修正 tatano
- 2003/04/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 特定疾患自動算定修正 tatano
- 2003/04/24 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBG001.CBL修正 morirei
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 請求額なし時の伝票状態区分編集を修正 ota
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 未収額を表示項目に修正 ota
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: GtkEntry修正 tatano
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 単純撮影の自動発生修正 tatano
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: key5修正(条件に入外区分追加) ota
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form: 病棟・病室の表示を追加 ota
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 選定入院料および入院請求書未収額表示対応 ota
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 患者番号が10桁以上の場合は折り返して表示する ota
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ピリオド抜け修正 ota
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: syumei-key4のorder byを変更 morirei
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: syumei-key4のorder byを変更 morirei
- 2003/04/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 作業配列検索手順の変更 hisanaga
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院の回数修正、空白行削除、一覧選択件数変更 tatano
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/record: 収納−請求確認画面コラムリスト表示修正 ota
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院回数修正、投薬の器材入力追加 tatano
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 自賠の画像診断のフィルム料減算追加 tatano
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 自賠責フィルム表記修正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 自賠責保険フィルム表記修正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 一覧表修正 tatano
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自費請求額訂正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自費請求額訂正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: 自費分負担金額表示より消費税が落ちていたのを修正 ota
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 自費分負担金額表示より消費税が落ちていたのを修正 ota
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自費分負担金額表示より消費税が落ちていたのを修正 ota
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca34: 自費分負担金額より消費税が落ちていたのを修正 ota
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自費請求額訂正 tsutomu
- 2003/04/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 作業配列検索方法変更 hisanaga
- 2003/04/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 診療科変更のメッセージ修正、中途終了の展開修正 tatano
- 2003/04/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTTEIKIRRK-KEY5,SYUNOU-KEY15,16,17追加 ota
- 2003/04/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTTEIKIRRK-KEY5,SYUNOU-KEY15,16,17追加 ota
- 2003/04/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: エラー処理時のメッセージを修正 ota
- 2003/04/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 自費の登録修正 tatano
- 2003/04/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自費登録修正 tatano
- 2003/04/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 自費登録修正 tatano
- 2003/04/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca52: 確定のとき自動的に情報確認画面を表示 ota
- 2003/04/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: レセプト負担金取り込み変更 tsutomu
- 2003/04/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入外区分修正 tatano
- 2003/04/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca52: 1桁パラメータのデフォルトにゼロを表示する ota
- 2003/04/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 自費金額修正 tatano
- 2003/04/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 自費再計算修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入外区分設定追加 tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 入外区分設定不具合修正 ota
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/doc: version 1.0.10 changed. tosihiko
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 不具合対応のため一旦前のバージョンに戻す tosihiko
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 更新時に処理がループする不具合を修正 ota
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: JYURRK-KEY21追加 tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入外区分エラーチェックプロ tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: JYURRK-KEY21追加 tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: ORCBMCHK.CBL,ORCBMCHKM.CBL ADD tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: ORCBMCHK.CBL,ORCBMCHKM.CBL ADD tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院外来区分変更 tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 一覧表修正 tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: JYURRK-KEY21修正 tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 収納一覧リスト表示修正 ota
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: メッセージ修正 tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: JYURRK-KEY22 ADD tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: JYURRK-KEY22 tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院外来置き換え追加 tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: ORCBMCNGM.CBL ADD tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 修正 tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 修正 tatano
- 2003/05/01 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: エラー時、患者番号表示 tsutomu
- 2003/05/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: エラー時、患者番号表示 tsutomu
- 2003/05/02 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/02 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 退院時調剤料削除 tatano
- 2003/05/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 酸素単価編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: DO選択画面x座標修正 takeda
- 2003/05/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 金額カンマ編集 morirei
- 2003/05/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 作業用配列検索方法修正 hisanaga
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 特定器材の単価編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: JYURRK-KEY23,PTBYOMEI-KEY8 ADD tatano
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: JYURRK-KEY23,PTBYOMEI-KEY8 ADD tatano
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険変更時診療、病名チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/record: 定期請求患者一覧追加 ota
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: エラーメッセージ編集修正 ota
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form: カンマ編集追加 ota
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HCM07.red金額カンマ編集 morirei
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCM07.INC金額カンマ編集 morirei
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 外泊時の加算編集 tsutomu
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: メッセージ変更 tatano
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 診療行為入院基本料加算編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 920を加算のみOKとする、画像診断加算変更 tatano
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/record: 患者定期請求履歴テーブルに歴番号と伝票番号を追加 ota
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 特定器材の単価編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 外泊1、2、3のとき画面表示だけクリアするデータはのこすように修正 hisanaga
- 2003/05/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 指導料の1月後判定の修正 tatano
- 2003/05/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 転科時の老人医療管理料対応 azu
- 2003/05/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 地方老人の負担額の四捨五入の計算を保険番号マスタの設定で行うよう修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 在宅薬剤の点数対応 azu
- 2003/05/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 在宅薬剤の再修正 azu
- 2003/05/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim: 投薬の院内編集追加 tatano
- 2003/05/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 訂正再編集修正、入院時間外区分訂正時の修正 tatano
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: account_file, config_file: fixed path (/usr/local/etc/ipv6ppp/ -> /etc/ipv6ppp/) yuya
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: Depends: remove sed, grep, findutils yuya
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: add addtunneluser.8 tunnelsh.8 with dh_undocumented yuya
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 船員保険<職務上>の食事負担無しに修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca43: 科コード入力の修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 入院履歴−入院中区分追加 ota
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 指導時のレセプト左欄集計変更 azu
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 指導の薬剤時修正 azu
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院点滴の老人1年以上の修正他 tatano
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 名称有効桁のセット、レセプト出力順編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: テーブル未発見時のファイル名修正 hisanaga
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: テーブル未発見時のファイル名修正 hisanaga
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 入院登録時チェック追加(自院歴−入院中対応) ota
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/allways: テーブル未発見時のファイル名修正 hisanaga
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 項目名エラー修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/record: 入院患者照会用ビュ−に患者番号を追加 ota
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: manipulate passwd only yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: for lotate /var/log/tunnel-server.log yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: default tunnel-server configuration file yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: default tunnel-server account information file yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: network_mask: renamed from mask yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: for manipulate sudoers file yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: manipulate sudoers file yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: manipulate facility file and sudoers yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: manipulate facility file yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: install tunnel.conf, tunnelaccount yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 入院中区分に"0"を固定で設定するよう修正 ota
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院中の自院歴があるときのレセプトの入退院歴の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 自院歴の入院中区分の追加 fujihara
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts: pppd_server_opt, pppd_client_opt: without "persist" option yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: pppd_server_opt, pppd_client_opt: use default value yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] tunnel-scripts/debian: yuya
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 和歴編集作業領域拡張 ota
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/etc, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/record: 入院会計未作成者一覧表追加 ota
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 中途終了時労災の特定疾患療養指導料等の削除をやめる tatano
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/etc: commit誤りのため、元にもどした ota
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 検索時並べ変え条件修正 ota
- 2003/05/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 病名コードが未入力で病名のみ入力されている場合のチェックを追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 未請求一覧に入外区分を追加 fujihara
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: add fujihara
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCM05.INC add fujihara
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: key5 nyugaikbn add fujihara
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca52: 印刷頁の編集を修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca51: 印刷頁の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca01: 印刷頁の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 印刷頁の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca44: 印刷頁の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: KOHSKY-FLG add fujihara
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 剤存在チェックサブ追加、名称をX(80)へ tatano
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 剤存在チェック追加、名称をX(80)へ tatano
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCSCZAICHK.INC 追加 tatano
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 名称欄X(80)へ tatano
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 名称欄変更 tatano
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 名称欄X(80)へ tatano
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 名称欄40文字へ、剤チェックサブ追加 tatano
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 剤変更の名称欄40文字へ、診療日変更修正、前次ページ修正 tatano
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: J02SCR-SPA修正 tatano
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 名称桁数変更 tatano
- 2003/05/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 名称桁数変更 tatano
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 自賠責区分追加 tatano
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 自陪責請求区分追加 tatano
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自陪責請求区分により負担割合変更追加 tatano
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 自賠責請求区分追加 tatano
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 自陪責請求区分追加 tatano
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 自陪責請求区分追加 tatano
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自陪責負担額修正 tatano
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 患者が選択された時点で支払証明書の発行を可能とする ota
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 自陪責腰部固定帯加算修正 tatano
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca106: カナ入力チェック中止 morirei
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 自賠責の腰部固定帯加算を薬剤等へ tsutomu
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自賠責の患者請求区分追加に伴う修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 確認画面より戻ったときにボタンを押せない状態を修正 hisanaga
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自賠責の患者請求区分追加に伴う修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 自賠責の腰部固定帯加算対応 tsutomu
- 2003/05/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: エラーメッセージ変更 tatano
- 2003/05/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 診療コードチェック追加他 tatano
- 2003/05/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院の診察料チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/05/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 受付一覧修正 tatano
- 2003/05/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 調基のチェック追加 tatano
- 2003/05/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/record: 入院患者通算日数一覧表作成 ota
- 2003/05/16 Encounter Faithful And Appreciative Women Sikora Myrtis
- 2003/05/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 分類名を15文字に変更 fujihara
- 2003/05/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 分類名を15文字に変更 fujihara
- 2003/05/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 選定入院時の患者自己負担計算の変更 azu
- 2003/05/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/record: 入院診療録に保険情報を編集する ota
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 入院時診療行為チェック追加 ota
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 収納再計算時の編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 選定入院時の患者自己負担計算の変更(定期請求時) azu
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 選定入院の患者自己負担計算(定期請求時) azu
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 選定自己負担計算(病棟設定時) azu
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 自賠責レセプトの初診日欄編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 予約一覧に診療内容、ドクター選択追加 tatano
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: 予約一覧に診療内容、ドクター選択追加 tatano
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 予約一覧に診療内容、ドクター選択追加 tatano
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 予約一覧に診療内容、ドクター選択追加 tatano
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院科判定修正 tatano
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院保険組合せ初期変更 tatano
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: NYUKSNCHK−ALLの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院関連テーブルの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院関連テーブルの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 入院関連テーブルの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 入院関連テーブルの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 入院関連テーブルの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 入院関連テーブルの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca82: 入院関連テーブルの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca82: 入院関連テーブルの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院関連テーブルの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院関連テーブルの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 入院関連テーブルの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ALLの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ALLの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ALLの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 入院関連テーブルの追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 労災端数計算修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: CT,MRI算定履歴修正 tatano
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: CT,MRI算定履歴修正 tatano
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 労災保険区分編集 tatano
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: CLOSE修正 tatano
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 自賠責の療養担当手当を点数からはずす tatano
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: コメント名称編集修正、コメントカーソル位置修正 tatano
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 会計カード帳票レイアウト ota
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 会計カードコピー句 ota
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 保険一覧修正 tatano
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 二重登録疑い一覧に生年月日と患者選択追加、世帯主名自動編集追加他 tatano
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 患者番号が11桁以上の場合は折り返して編集 ota
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 二重登録疑い画面生年月日追加他 tatano
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: P02A 修正 tatano
- 2003/05/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: P02A 修正 tatano
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 慢性疼痛の同時算定チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 残量廃棄を処置に追加 tatano
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 減免端数設定区分追加 ota
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form: 長期入院対象患者一覧表追加 morirei
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca44: 印刷する・しないのボタンを追加、保険者番号の指定を追加 fujihara
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca01: 未印刷のときのエラーメッセージを止める fujihara
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 指定保険者番号の追加 fujihara
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: ALL2追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 診療年月が指定された時のセレクトの修正 hisanaga
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: All2の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ALL2の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ALL2の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ALL2の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ALL2の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ALL2の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ALL2の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ALL2の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院点滴一括残量廃棄数量修正 tatano
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ALL2の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ALL2の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ALL2の追加 hisanaga
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 検索用保険者番号の追加 fujihara
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 指定保険者番号の追加 fujihara
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 指定保険者番号の追加 fujihara
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: ORCGTID2 add fujihara
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 指定保険者番号の追加 fujihara
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 検索用保険者番号の追加 fujihara
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: カッコを全角で編集するよう修正 ota
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 文字コード誤り修正 ota
- 2003/05/21 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院の訂正時回数表示修正 tatano
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 負担金計算引数追加 tsutomu
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 減免端数対応 tsutomu
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 自賠責療養担当手当編集 tatano
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 室料差額のみ編集可能とするよう修正 ota
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 小児科外来診察料と開放型共同指導料のチェック追加 tatano
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 6月改正対応 tatano
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 6月改正対応 tatano
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 削除 tatano
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 削除 tatano
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: PG名修正 tatano
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: PG名修正 tatano
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 自賠責療養担当手当対応 tsutomu
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 異動取消の修正 azu
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 選択修正、入外区分編集修正 tatano
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: ピリオド抜け修正 ota
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院期間修正 tatano
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 県番号の追加 fujihara
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: ORCRCP060 add fujihara
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: add fujihara
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: パラメタに県番号を追加 fujihara
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 山形レセプト対応 fujihara
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCRCP060.INC add fujihara
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: 一時ファイル名の指定のしかたを変更(引数1→引数7の拡張子を除いた名前+.tmp) hiki
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 残料廃棄数量レセ記載 tsutomu
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt, debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp, jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCM2EV02.INC add ; HCM2FV0.INC -> HCM2FV02.INC tosihiko
- 2003/05/22 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: カーソルクローズの追加 azu
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 引数の追加 fujihara
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 半角変換の修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 920追加 tatano
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 半角変換の修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim: 平成15年6月対応 tatano
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: コメント編集修正 tatano
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 選定入院自己負担取得サブコピー句 ota
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 給付割合のカスタマイズの修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: レセ電ボタンの削除 fujihara
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 県単項目の続紙の編集 fujihara
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 老人入院1年判定修正 tatano
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 外用薬剤の先頭にコメント入力された場合のレセプト対応 azu
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 外用薬剤の先頭にコメント入力された場合の対応 tsutomu
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 病棟選定入院自己負担取得サブ ota
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院点滴料算定修正 tatano
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 一部負担金欄記載修正:地方公費 tsutomu
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 病棟設定の選定自己負担 azu
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 病棟設定の選定入院自己負担 azu
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 保険組合せ警告メッセージ表示タイミング修正 hisanaga
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/scripts/daily: 引数7のdataファイルの拡張子が.dat以外でも動くように修正 hiki
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院通算日算定追加 tatano
- 2003/05/23 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim: クリア追加 tatano
- 2003/05/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim: claim修正 tatano
- 2003/05/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: コメント行修正 ota
- 2003/05/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 診療日変更の診療科履歴更新追加 tatano
- 2003/05/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca44: 保険者番号指定以外のときのパラメタの修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/26 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/26 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 保険一覧選択チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/05/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 診療日変更の収納日変更追加 tatano
- 2003/05/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 包括検査の摘要欄編集 azu
- 2003/05/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 検査のまとめの修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 選定入院の消費税対応 azu
- 2003/05/27 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/27 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 検査のまとめの修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 点滴廃棄量計算修正 tatano
- 2003/05/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: JYURRK-PATH24追加 azu
- 2003/05/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: JYURRK-PATH24追加 azu
- 2003/05/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: JYURRK-PATH24修正 azu
- 2003/05/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 受診履歴キー修正 tsutomu
- 2003/05/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 受診履歴修正 tatano
- 2003/05/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 受診履歴修正 tatano
- 2003/05/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 受診履歴修正 tatano
- 2003/05/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: JYURRK-PATH24 修正 azu
- 2003/05/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 包括検査の摘要欄編集 fujihara
- 2003/05/28 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca43: 補助区分の判定の修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/28 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/28 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/29 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/29 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 画像診断フィルム無し修正 tatano
- 2003/05/29 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/29 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/05/29 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 画像診断フィルム無し修正 tosihiko
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 老人精神病棟等のコードに置き換え tsutomu
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 一覧表5明細選択追加 tatano
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 診療内容追加 tatano
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療内容画面追加 tatano
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療内容追加 tatano
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 診療内容追加 tatano
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 医療証番号の長さを変更 fujihara
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 医療証番号の長さを変更 fujihara
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca107: 薬剤情報提供書初期値変更 morirei
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca107: 薬剤情報登録画面初期値変更 morirei
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 地方公費番号の判定の修正 fujihara
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: カーソル移動、労災入院チェック追加、外来診察料追加他 tatano
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 1月後の判定に退院日追加、自費のみの診察判定、外来診察料追加他 tatano
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自費のみの診察判定追加 tatano
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 同日算定他追加 tatano
- 2003/05/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orca107: ファイルそんざい morirei
- 2003/06/01 Consolidate Your Debt Payments Heino Candy
- 2003/06/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 一覧表選択後カーソル位置変更 tatano
- 2003/06/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 請求・入金の判定を修正 ota
- 2003/06/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 請求・入金の判定を修正 ota
- 2003/06/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 山形国保レセ対応 azu
- 2003/06/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: レセ再診料逓減制廃止による修正 tsutomu
- 2003/06/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 一覧表に確定、診療区分追加 tatano
- 2003/06/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 一覧表診療区分追加 tatano
- 2003/06/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療行為一覧修正 tatano
- 2003/06/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 診療行為一覧修正 tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 被保険者名変更の修正、家族の時姓だけとする tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 氏名変更有無追加 tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 薬剤と病名、診療行為と病名のチェック修正 hisanaga
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 外来診察料時間外加算修正 tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: テーブル数修正 tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: レセ外来診療料対応:平成15年6月以降 tsutomu
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療内容を30件へ tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療内容30件へ tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: 診療内容30件へ tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: 診療内容30件へ tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 診療内容30件へ、15歳未満本人チェックをはずす tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 処置残量廃棄自動発生削除 tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 処置残量廃棄自動発生削除 tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 減免端数設定区分追加 ota
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 処置の残量廃棄自動発生削除 tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 15歳未満本人エラー削除 tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 診療内容修正 tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 診療内容を31へ tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 診療内容を31へ tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: 診療内容を31へ tatano
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 薬剤と病名、診療行為と病名チェック再修正 hisanaga
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt-manual, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-1, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-2, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-2/2-2-3-1img, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-2/2-2-3-3img, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-2/2-2-3-6img, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-4, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-4/2-4-2jpg, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-4/2-4-3jpg, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-5, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-8, jma-receipt-manual/monthly/s3-3, jma-receipt-manual/monthly/s3-3/3-3img, jma-receipt-manual/monthly/s3-4, jma-receipt-manual/monthly/s3-4/3-4img, jma-receipt-manual/monthly/s3-5, jma-receipt-manual/monthly/s3-5/3-5img, jma-receipt-manual/monthly/s3-6, jma-receipt-manual/monthly/s3-7, jma-receipt-manual/setup, jma-receipt-manual/setup/1001jpg, jma-receipt-manual/setup/1007jpg, jma-receipt-manual/setup/1008jpg, jma-receipt-manual/setup/2003jpg, jma-receipt-manual/setup/setup02-1jpg, jma-receipt-manual/setup/setup02-2jpg, jma-receipt-manual/setup/setup02-3jpg, jma-receipt-manual/setup/setupjpg: 「操作マニュアル」の更新 watanabe
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-8/2-8-1img: 「操作マニュアル」の画像を追加 watanabe
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 配列添字誤り修正 hisanaga
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-5/2-5-4-1img: 「操作マニュアル」の画像を追加 watanabe
- 2003/06/03 [cvs] jma-receipt-manual/monthly/s3-3: 半角カナ修正 saitou
- 2003/06/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: テーブル修正 tatano
- 2003/06/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 薬剤と病名、診療行為と病名チェックを修正 tosihiko
- 2003/06/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca103: 一覧表示の部分参照修正 tatano
- 2003/06/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 一覧表の部分検索修正 tatano
- 2003/06/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 一覧表部分検索修正 tatano
- 2003/06/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 一覧表部分検索修正 tatano
- 2003/06/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 開放型共同指導料チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/06/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 基準日当日の通算日数対象チェック追加 ota
- 2003/06/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 基準日当日の通算日数対象チェック追加 ota
- 2003/06/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 基準日当日の通算日数対象チェック追加 ota
- 2003/06/04 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/doc: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/04 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/04 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 患者ID置換メッセージ表示 hisanaga
- 2003/06/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 患者ID置換メッセージ表示 hisanaga
- 2003/06/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 患者ID置換メッセージ表示 hisanaga
- 2003/06/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 患者ID置換メッセージ表示 hisanaga
- 2003/06/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 患者ID置換メッセージ表示 hisanaga
- 2003/06/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca71: 患者ID置換メッセージ表示 hisanaga
- 2003/06/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 帳票患者名表示変更 morirei
- 2003/06/05 [cvs] jma-receipt-manual, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-5: 「操作マニュアル」微修正 watanabe
- 2003/06/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 摘要欄編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/06/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/record: 入院中区分を随時変更可能とした ota
- 2003/06/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 診療行為より遷移後修正 tatano
- 2003/06/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: DISPLAY削除 tatano
- 2003/06/05 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 通院精神療法の20歳未満加算を初診時精神保健指定医等にも追加 tatano
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 消費税端数区分追加 ota
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 診療種別一覧変更 tatano
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 手術にフィルム料の追加 tatano
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 病名抜けチェック追加 hisanaga
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 病名抜けチェック追加 hisanaga
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 特定入院料略称無しの場合の対応 tsutomu
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 選定療養費外泊修正 tsutomu
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 選定療養費外泊修正 tsutomu
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim: テーブルMAX削除 tatano
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 採血料削除他 tatano
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 手術の人工心肺不使用加算計算修正 tatano
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 選定入院患者が他医療機関を受診した場合の計算修正 azu
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 訂正の収納区分修正 tatano
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 上限年齢にAAを追加 tatano
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 在宅寝たきりと消炎鎮痛処置チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 在宅寝たきり指導料と入院の消炎鎮痛処置チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/06/06 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 在宅寝たきりと入院の消炎鎮痛処置チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/06/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院日一括入力修正 tatano
- 2003/06/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 消費税端数対応 tsutomu
- 2003/06/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 再診料摘要欄修正 tsutomu
- 2003/06/09 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/09 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form: 収納一覧表(外来)処理区分追加 morirei
- 2003/06/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form: 収納一覧表(入院)処理区分追加 ota
- 2003/06/09 [cvs] jma-receipt-manual, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-6, jma-receipt-manual/occasionally/s4-4-3, jma-receipt-manual/occasionally/s4-4-3/s4-4-3: 「4.4.3チェックますた「2.6.1病名登録」の更新 watanabe
- 2003/06/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 老人医療管理料の次月会計作成 azu
- 2003/06/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 老人一割、老人二割を追加 ota
- 2003/06/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入退院履歴の改頁処理の修正 fujihara
- 2003/06/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 病室加算の追加 azu
- 2003/06/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 病室加算の追加 azu
- 2003/06/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 病室加算の追加 azu
- 2003/06/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 無床診療所排他制御追加 tatano
- 2003/06/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院略称の改頁処理の修正 fujihara
- 2003/06/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 加算設定画面修正 ota
- 2003/06/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 疑いフラグが急性かつ疑いのチェック修正 hisanaga
- 2003/06/10 you could have all my love Pettaway Waln
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 摘要編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 病室の特定入院料に特定集中(基準未満)の追加対応 azu
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 病室の特定入院料に特定集中(基準未満)の追加対応 azu
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 特定集中治療室管理料追加 ota
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 特定集中(基準未満)の区分修正 azu
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中(基準未満)の区分修正 azu
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/screen: 患者照会一括入力対応 ota
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 選定療養摘要修正 tsutomu
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 入院基本料コンボに選定入院料を編集しないようにする ota
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 老人保険の一部負担金欄の編集 fujihara
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 老人保険一部負担金欄の斜線削除 fujihara
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 保険履歴の改頁処理の修正 fujihara
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 労災逓減修正 tatano
- 2003/06/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 労災逓減修正 tatano
- 2003/06/12 Solve Septic Tank Tribulations Semple Daywalt
- 2003/06/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 労災逓減修正 tatano
- 2003/06/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 検索画面位置変更 tatano
- 2003/06/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca14, jma-receipt/form: 予約患者一覧のレイアウトをdiaからmonpeに変更 ota
- 2003/06/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入力コード表示修正、更新メッセージ追加 tatano
- 2003/06/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 更新エラー追加 tatano
- 2003/06/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 自費分も減免対象に修正 tsutomu
- 2003/06/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 次ページ選択修正 tatano
- 2003/06/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 次ページ選択修正 tatano
- 2003/06/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 次ページ選択修正 tatano
- 2003/06/12 [cvs] jma-receipt/doc: 帳票リスト修正 morirei
- 2003/06/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 消費税端数処理対応 tsutomu
- 2003/06/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: UKETUKR-KEY3修正 morirei
- 2003/06/13 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca107: GMN-SPA一括登録 morirei
- 2003/06/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: レセプト種別の修正 fujihara
- 2003/06/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: エラーメッセージ修正 tatano
- 2003/06/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: TENSYU-KEY20追加、INPUTCD-UPD1更新修正他 tatano
- 2003/06/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: TENSU-KEY20追加 tatano
- 2003/06/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療情報提供料重複チェック削除 tatano
- 2003/06/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療情報提供料(D)追加 tatano
- 2003/06/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 保険者マスタ更新プログラムを追加した。 tosihiko
- 2003/06/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 用法20文字以上編集修正 tatano
- 2003/06/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 名称編集修正 tatano
- 2003/06/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 病名コード変換の修正 azu
- 2003/06/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 病名コード変換の修正 azu
- 2003/06/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 病名コード変換の修正 azu
- 2003/06/18 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/18 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院回数チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 患者番号の全角検索10文字以上対応 tatano
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 編集条件修正 tsutomu
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 複数診療科受診編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診察料判定修正 tatano
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 初診料置換え修正 tatano
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 警告後の自動発生修正 tatano
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca32, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 室料差額コラムリスト修正 ota
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 初診料置換え修正 tatano
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 自賠責乳児対応 tatano
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 複数診療科受診編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 疑い期間を1ヵ月前に、異なる薬剤の同一病名のチェック修正 hisanaga
- 2003/06/19 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: TENSU-KEY15修正 ota
- 2003/06/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 終了条件発生時のPERFORM終了のための変数セット誤り修正 hisanaga
- 2003/06/20 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 診療種別一覧の修正 tatano
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: syunou-key4修正(テスト患者を含めないようにした) morirei
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 通院精神療法20歳未満加算の初診料算定日修正 tatano
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: ORCGI41.CBL 次月会計作成時の70才未満老人保険対象患者の判定追加 azu
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 診療科履歴更新チェックキー修正 tatano
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 請求書自費7桁対応 tatano
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 再診料(病院)摘要欄編集 tsutomu
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 再診料(病院)摘要欄編集 tsutomu
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca13: ピリオド抜け修正 ota
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ピリオド抜け修正 ota
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 再診料(病院)摘要欄編集 tsutomu
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 診療所老人医療管理料の転科、異動取消、退院取消の正式対応 azu
- 2003/06/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 終了フラグ修正 morirei
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 患者ID取得変更、患者番号最大エラー追加 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 更新修正 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 診療所老人医療管理料の退院取消し修正 azu
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 診療所老人医療管理料算定済み日数の算定修正 azu
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 低所得情報更新修正 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca18: 受付一覧用の確認画面追加 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 診療所老人医療管理料(30日以内の再入院)の考慮を追加 ota
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 受付一覧確認画面追加 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 受付一覧確認画面追加 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 受付一覧確認画面追加 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: U1ID1 追加 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca18: PG名修正 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 削除行削除 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 診療所老人医療管理料(30日以内再入院) azu
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 次月会計作成時の診療所老人医療管理料(30日以内の再入院) azu
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTNUM-KEY3,TENSU-KEY21 ADD tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTNUM-KEY3,TENSU-KEY21 追加 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 受付一覧帳票追加 morirei
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 受付一覧帳票追加 morirei
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca18: 受付一覧帳票追加 morirei
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: ORCGI01.CBL 修正履歴の追加 azu
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 摘要欄編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: Z07追加他 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: Z07 追加他 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: Z07 追加他 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: 一括入力へ変更、期限切変換追加 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: Z07 ADD tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: Z07,U1ID1 ADD tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: Z07,U1ID1 ADD tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: Z07 ADD tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca18: 修正 tatano
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中治療室管理料の算定対応 azu
- 2003/06/24 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/form: 受付一覧帳票修正 morirei
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 点数マスタ有効期間の指定を修正 ota
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 確認画面からの戻りのとき画面が残るのを修正 fujihara
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 老診管の通算日数を今回入院日からの通算に変更 azu
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca18: 受付一覧印刷修正 morirei
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 特定集中治療室管理料の次月会計作成機能を追加 azu
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form: 空き患者番号一覧追加 morirei
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 修正履歴の追加 azu
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 空き患者番号一覧追加 morirei
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 転帰日のチェックを適応病名チェックの時に行わないように修正 hisanaga
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 患者照会で同一項目のAND条件を可とする (公費の種類・病名・診療行為のみ) ota
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: 受付一覧更新追加 tatano
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca18: 受付一覧更新追加 tatano
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 受付一覧更新追加 tatano
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中治療室(転室) azu
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院投薬回数修正 tatano
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院外用薬回数修正 tatano
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中(転室時の14日経過時の対応) azu
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: システム管理5000日付対応 tsutomu
- 2003/06/25 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 救急医療管理加算算定コメント修正 tsutomu
- 2003/06/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca32: 食堂加算の対処追加 azu
- 2003/06/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: システム管理5000日付対応 tsutomu
- 2003/06/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 新規で家族の時被保険者名と世帯主に名字編集修正 tatano
- 2003/06/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 空き患者番号一覧サブプロ修正 morirei
- 2003/06/26 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 適応病名チェックでの転帰日チェックを修正 hisanaga
- 2003/06/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca18: 状態編集追加 tatano
- 2003/06/27 [cvs] jma-receipt-manual/monthly/s3-2: test commit saitou
- 2003/06/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: SPA-AREAに職員番号追加 tatano
- 2003/06/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCSPRTNM.INC追加 tatano
- 2003/06/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCSPRTNN.INC ADD tatano
- 2003/06/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca00: 職員番号追加 tatano
- 2003/06/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: オンライン帳票名、出力先取得サブ追加 tatano
- 2003/06/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 帳票印刷サブプロ追加、自費の注射薬を注射料へ集計 tatano
- 2003/06/27 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 出力プリンタ名サブプロ追加 tatano
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: ota
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/screen: 診療行為を日にち単位に検索可能とする ota
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: オンライン帳票サブに入外区分追加 tatano
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入外区分追加 tatano
- 2003/06/30 # subscribe tabuchi yasuharu damian
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 出力先プリンタサブ追加 tatano
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: 出力先プリンタサブ追加 tatano
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: カスタマイズ帳票名サブ追加 tatano
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: カスタマイズ帳票名サブ追加 tatano
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 出力先プリンタ名サブ追加 tatano
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 通算日数取得サブ引数修正 ota
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 特定入院料の通算日数取得対応 ota
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 転帰日チェックの変数クリアの診療科ブレイク条件を修正 hisanaga
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/scripts/allways: 出力先プリンタの指定を修正 ota
- 2003/06/30 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中治療室の転室対応 azu
- 2003/07/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 剤別の薬剤・器材点が0のとき表示しないように修正 fujihara
- 2003/07/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 特定入院料の通算日数取得修正 ota
- 2003/07/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 特定入院料での通算日数取得修正 ota
- 2003/07/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 転帰日チェックの変数クリアの診療科ブレイク条件を修正 hisanaga
- 2003/07/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 特定入院料の通算日数取得修正 ota
- 2003/07/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中の転室対応 azu
- 2003/07/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim: 外来診療料追加他 tatano
- 2003/07/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/claim: 回数修正 tatano
- 2003/07/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中の転室対応 azu
- 2003/07/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: レセプト負担記載修正対応 tsutomu
- 2003/07/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common, jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23, jma-receipt/cobol/orca31, jma-receipt/cobol/orca33, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/scripts/monthly: 出力先プリンタの指定を修正 ota
- 2003/07/01 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 転帰日チェックの変数クリアの診療科ブレイク条件を修正 hisanaga
- 2003/07/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険者情報編集修正 tatano
- 2003/07/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca51, jma-receipt/cobol/orca52: 出力先プリンタの指定を修正 ota
- 2003/07/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca51, jma-receipt/cobol/orca52, jma-receipt/screen: タイマーイベント追加 ota
- 2003/07/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 一部負担金額欄編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/07/02 [cvs] jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-4/2-4-1jpg, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-5/2-5-2-05img, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-5/2-5-2img, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-5/2-5-3-1img, jma-receipt-manual/daily/s2-5/2-5-4-5img, jma-receipt-manual/monthly/s3-6/3-6img, jma-receipt-manual/setup, jma-receipt-manual/setup/1001jpg, jma-receipt-manual/setup/1012, jma-receipt-manual/setup/4001jpg, jma-receipt-manual/setup/9800: update manual saitou
- 2003/07/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 新規チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/07/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: レセ電算対応 azu
- 2003/07/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: カスタマイズ項目のOCR対応等 fujihara
- 2003/07/02 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 診療開始日がチェック日付より大きい時のチェック修正 hisanaga
- 2003/07/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca102, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 出力先プリンタの指定を修正・確認画面3追加 ota
- 2003/07/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 不要ロジック削除 tsutomu
- 2003/07/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca01, jma-receipt/screen: タイマーイベント追加 ota
- 2003/07/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 部分検索修正 ota
- 2003/07/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 消炎鎮痛処置と在宅寝たきり処置チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/07/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 更新前チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/07/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 主病名編集フラグの追加 fujihara
- 2003/07/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 主病名編集フラグの追加 fujihara
- 2003/07/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 主病名編集フラグの追加 fujihara
- 2003/07/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 主病名編集フラグの追加 fujihara
- 2003/07/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 主病名編集フラグによる主病名チェックの追加 fujihara
- 2003/07/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 主病名編集フラグのよる傷病名欄の編集とカスタマイズ項目のOCR対応 fujihara
- 2003/07/03 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: レセプト食事負担記載編集の修正 tsutomu
- 2003/07/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 入院の集計値の編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/07/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca44: タイマーの追加 fujihara
- 2003/07/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: タイマーの追加 fujihara
- 2003/07/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 構造体初期化処理修正 ota
- 2003/07/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/lddef, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 診療行為検索画面追加 ota
- 2003/07/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca13, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 検索条件に本人家族区分を追加 ota
- 2003/07/04 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 患者病名の診療開始日がチェック日より大きい時のチェックを病名抜けでも行う hisanaga
- 2003/07/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca43: 患者氏名による検索処理を追加 fujihara
- 2003/07/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 患者氏名による検索を追加 fujihara
- 2003/07/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 日付の長さ変更 fujihara
- 2003/07/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca42: 摘要開始日が月末のとき対象となるように修正 fujihara
- 2003/07/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca105: 異動内容等追加 tatano
- 2003/07/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 異動区分等追加 tatano
- 2003/07/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 異動区分等追加 tatano
- 2003/07/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 異動区分等追加 tatano
- 2003/07/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 患者病名の開始日と転帰日のチェックを修正 hisanaga
- 2003/07/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: カーソル移動修正 tatano
- 2003/07/07 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 病名コード入力時の疑いフラグ・慢性区分の再編集の修正 fujihara
- 2003/07/07 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: config file fixed. kida
- 2003/07/07 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: debchange... kida
- 2003/07/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca105: 保険者マスタ法別番号チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/07/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 保険者異動日付チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/07/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 保険者異動日付チェック追加 tatano
- 2003/07/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中治療室管理料の退院取消対応 azu
- 2003/07/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中の退院取消 azu
- 2003/07/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 保険者マスタ更新用コピー句修正。異動関連追加。 tosihiko
- 2003/07/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 異動内容、年月日追加 tatano
- 2003/07/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 割引率情報の区分コード表示を修正 ota
- 2003/07/08 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 病名開始日と初診日の関連チェック修正 hisanaga
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中の転室対応 azu
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中の転室対応 azu
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中の転室対応 azu
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入力パラメータDISPLAY追加 ota
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中の異動取消対応 azu
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 特定集中の異動取消対応 azu
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca101, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 割引率区分・定額低率区分の入力をコンボボックスに変更 ota
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 入院の時間外区分修正他 tatano
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: 入外区分修正、剤内容変更の時間外区分編集変更他 tatano
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院時間外区分変更他 tatano
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCHC33.INC 追加 tatano
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院時間外修正 tatano
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 入院調剤料算定無しの診療種別追加 tatano
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/data: 入院調剤料算定なし追加 tatano
- 2003/07/09 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca23: 排他制御不具合を修正 ota
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 請求書パラメータ編集修正 ota
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 異動取消時に診療会計を削除しないように変更 azu
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 労災分計算修正 tatano
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 処理区分説明の追加 azu
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: HCM33追加 tatano
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: tbl_ptinf修正 tatano
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: ボタン追加 tatano
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 退院取消時の通算日数算定を修正 azu
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 排他制御処理修正 ota
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: コメントの追加 azu
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca33: 定期請求印刷指示画面から処理確認画面へ遷移するよう修正 ota
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: テスト削除 tatano
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: カルテ3号紙一括印刷追加 tatano
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: コメント追加 azu
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 処理区分=4を追加 tatano
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: プリンタ名修正 tatano
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca24: カルテ3号紙追加 tatano
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTINF-KEY10,HCM33追加 tatano
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTINF-KEY10,HCM33追加 tatano
- 2003/07/10 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: カルテ3号紙追加 tatano
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca31: 診療録管理体制加算の特別チェック削除 azu
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 検査チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 検査チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 検査チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: メッセージ修正 tatano
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 労災入院用関数のコピー句追加 azu
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCSROUNYUIN.INC 追加 azu
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 医療機関ID、患者ID追加 azu
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 労災関数の引数変更 azu
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/lddef: ORHCML10.CBL ORHCML11追加 ota
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 追加 ota
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: HCML07.INC 追加 ota
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orca102, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/record, jma-receipt/screen: 自費項目も印刷できるようにする ota
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca102: ワーニング修正 tatano
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 検体検査管理加算自動算定追加 tatano
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 労災入院フラグの追加 azu
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 出力先プリンタ名修正 tatano
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: 出力先プリンタ名修正 tatano
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 出力先プリンタ名修正 tatano
- 2003/07/11 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 出力先プリンタ名修正 tatano
- 2003/07/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 入力コードの更新前チェック追加 fujihara
- 2003/07/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/form: 点数マスタ自費帳票修正 morirei
- 2003/07/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 治験のとき請求管理に0:請求しないで更新する fujihara
- 2003/07/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 特定疾患の集計の変更 fujihara
- 2003/07/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt, jma-receipt/form, jma-receipt/record: 点数マスタ(その他)帳票訂正 morirei
- 2003/07/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 不要コード削除 tsutomu
- 2003/07/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 不要ロジック削除 tsutomu
- 2003/07/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca101: 出力プリンタ名表示修正 morirei
- 2003/07/14 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 薬剤情報帳票出力先プリンタ名割り当て対応 morirei
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: Makefile修正 morirei
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 読み込み日付修正 morirei
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: YYK-KEY7追加 tatano
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca14: 予約登録エラー修正 tatano
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: YYK-KEY7 ADD tatano
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: Makefile.in修正 morirei
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 更新前の入力コードチェックの追加 fujihara
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 患者一覧印刷出力先プリンタサブ追加 morirei
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy, jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 乳幼児コメント編集 tsutomu
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] jma-receipt, jma-receipt/doc, jma-receipt/init: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] debian_woody_jma-receipt-hosp: version update. tosihiko
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 支払証明書出力プリンタサブ追加 morirei
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: CPORCBZ001S.INC追加 tatano
- 2003/07/15 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 乳幼児コメント編集訂正 tsutomu
- 2003/07/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca11: タイマー追加修正 tatano
- 2003/07/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 負担金償還払い対応 tsutomu
- 2003/07/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: カルテ一括用キー修正 tatano
- 2003/07/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: カルテ一括修正 tatano
- 2003/07/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 初期化修正 tatano
- 2003/07/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 病理判断料チェック修正 tatano
- 2003/07/16 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTINF-KEY10修正 ota
- 2003/07/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 編集項目修正 tsutomu
- 2003/07/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: PTBYOMEI-KEY9,KEY10 追加 tatano
- 2003/07/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/record: PTBYOMEI-KEY9,KEY10追加 tatano
- 2003/07/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: ファイル検索修正他 tatano
- 2003/07/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 処理区分追加他 tatano
- 2003/07/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 算定チェック方法修正他 tatano
- 2003/07/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/screen: 空白修正 tatano
- 2003/07/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 収納にドクター追加 tatano
- 2003/07/17 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: コメント編集修正 tsutomu
- 2003/07/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca21: 修正変更 tatano
- 2003/07/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 編集条件訂正 tsutomu
- 2003/07/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 編集条件訂正 tsutomu
- 2003/07/18 [cvs] dbbackup/jma-receipt-dbbackup/script: error messages fixed. kida
- 2003/07/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 内服逓減メッセージ修正 tatano
- 2003/07/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: レセ電「主傷病」エリア、薬剤一部負担金エリア対応 fujihara
- 2003/07/18 [cvs] dbbackup/debian, dbbackup/jma-receipt-dbbackup/script: fixed. kida
- 2003/07/18 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 重複検査チェックに蛋白分画、A/G、TP,ALBの追加 tatano
- 2003/07/18 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: cron file setting fixed. (delete month,day setting) kida
- 2003/07/18 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: changing version. kida
- 2003/07/18 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: postinst fixed. kida
- 2003/07/19 -------|$BSE;]PiDbVw;z#!(B|------ webmaster
- 2003/07/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca41: 病名開始日と初診日の関連チェックの修正 hisanaga
- 2003/07/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca22: 接頭語コード+入力CD入力時の表示の修正 fujihara
- 2003/07/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: レセ電コピー句追加 azu
- 2003/07/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: レセ電コピー句追加 azu
- 2003/07/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orcabt: 不要ファイル削除 tsutomu
- 2003/07/22 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: config file fixed. kida
- 2003/07/22 [cvs] dbbackup/debian: debchange... kida
- 2003/07/22 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/common: 剤分離1行目修正 tatano
- 2003/07/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/copy: 集団項目行の追加 azu
- 2003/07/23 [cvs] jma-receipt/cobol/orca12: 異動日付チェックを異動日から対象外とする tatano

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