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[orca-users:09668] Re: sarge のプリンター


> 武藤@Debianぷろじぇくとです。
> /etc/cups/cupsd.confでLogLevelをdebugにして/etc/init.d/cupsys restart
> し、印刷したときのログを出してみてください。

以下にログを出します。cupsys restart を忘れてテストページ印刷してしまい
ましたので、restart して Job Cansel してから再度テストページ印刷しました。
ます。(途中、Scheduler shutting down normally. の次に1行開けておきまし

I [29/Jan/2007:09:32:08 +0900] Listening to 0:631
I [29/Jan/2007:09:32:08 +0900] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [29/Jan/2007:09:32:08 +0900] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [29/Jan/2007:09:32:08 +0900] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [29/Jan/2007:09:32:08 +0900] Full reload is required.
E [29/Jan/2007:09:32:09 +0900] LoadAllClasses: Unable to open /etc/cups/classes.conf - No such file or directory
I [29/Jan/2007:09:32:10 +0900] LoadPPDs: Read "/etc/cups/ppds.dat", 2516 PPDs...
I [29/Jan/2007:09:32:10 +0900] LoadPPDs: No new or changed PPDs...
I [29/Jan/2007:09:32:10 +0900] Full reload complete.
I [29/Jan/2007:09:58:41 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=5501)
I [29/Jan/2007:09:58:57 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=5517)
I [29/Jan/2007:09:58:58 +0900] Adding start banner page "none" to job 17.
I [29/Jan/2007:09:58:58 +0900] Adding end banner page "none" to job 17.
I [29/Jan/2007:09:58:58 +0900] Job 17 queued on 'GsA4' by ''.
I [29/Jan/2007:09:58:58 +0900] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 5518) for job 17.
I [29/Jan/2007:09:58:58 +0900] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 5519) for job 17.
I [29/Jan/2007:09:58:58 +0900] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 5520) for job 17.
I [29/Jan/2007:10:00:34 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=5621)
I [29/Jan/2007:10:00:45 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=5633)
I [29/Jan/2007:10:00:47 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=5639)
I [29/Jan/2007:10:00:53 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=5645)
I [29/Jan/2007:10:04:31 +0900] Scheduler shutting down normally.

I [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] Listening to 0:631
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] AddLocation: added location '/'
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] DenyIP: / deny 00000000/00000000
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] AllowIP: / allow 7f000001/ffffffff
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] AddLocation: added location '/jobs'
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] AddLocation: added location '/admin'
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] DenyIP: /admin deny 00000000/00000000
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] AllowIP: /admin allow 7f000001/ffffffff
I [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] Full reload is required.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] LoadAllPrinters: Loading printer GsA4...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] LoadAllPrinters: Loading printer GsB5...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] LoadAllPrinters: Loading printer lpA4...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] LoadAllPrinters: Loading printer lpB5...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] LoadAllPrinters: Loading printer ps2...
E [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] LoadAllClasses: Unable to open /etc/cups/classes.conf - そのようなファイルやディレクトリはありません
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "ipp"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "smb"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "http"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:32 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "lpd"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "parallel:/dev/lp0"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "socket"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp0"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp1"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp2"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp3"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp4"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp5"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp6"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp7"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp8"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp9"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp10"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp11"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp12"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp13"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp14"...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadDevices: Added device "usb:/dev/usb/lp15"...
I [29/Jan/2007:10:04:33 +0900] LoadPPDs: Read "/etc/cups/ppds.dat", 2516 PPDs...
I [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadPPDs: No new or changed PPDs...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Scanning /var/spool/cups...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 1...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 2...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 3...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 4...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 5...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 6...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 7...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 13...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 8...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 14...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 9...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 16...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 10...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 15...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 11...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 17...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Loading attributes for job 12...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] LoadAllJobs: Auto-typing document file d00017-001...
I [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] Full reload complete.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartListening: NumListeners=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartListening: address=00000000 port=631
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] ResumeListening: setting input bits...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob(17, 0x80ade28)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob() id = 17, file = 0/1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] job-sheets=none,none
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] banner_page = 0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: argv = "GsA4","17","","Test Page","1","","/var/spool/cups/d00017-001"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[0]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/bin:/usr/bin"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[1]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.1"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[2]="USER=root"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[3]="CHARSET=iso-8859-15"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[4]="LANG=en"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[5]="TZ=Asia/Tokyo"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[6]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/GsA4.ppd"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[7]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[8]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[9]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[10]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[11]="DEVICE_URI=parallel:/dev/unknown-parallel0"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[12]="PRINTER=GsA4"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[13]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[14]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[15]="CUPS_SERVER=localhost"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: statusfds = [ 5 6 ]
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 7 -1 ]
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: filter = "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ 8 9 ]
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops", 0xbfffb190, 0xbfffa500, 7, 9, 6)
I [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 5926) for job 17.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: filter = "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 7 10 ]
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip", 0xbfffb190, 0xbfffa500, 8, 10, 6)
I [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 5927) for job 17.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: backend = "/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ -1 8 ]
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel", 0xbfffb190, 0xbfffa500, 7, 8, 6)
I [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 5928) for job 17.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] LANGUAGE = (unset),
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] LC_ALL = (unset),
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] LANG = "en"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] are supported and installed on your system.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Page = 595x842; 0,0 to 595,842
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] slowcollate=0, slowduplex=0, sloworder=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%Pages: 1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%LanguageLevel: 1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset testprint/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Times-Roman
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%Creator: Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%CreationDate: May 11, 1999
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%Title: Test Page
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%EndComments
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%BeginProlog
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%BeginResource procset testprint 1.1 0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%EndResource
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%EndProlog
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%Page: 1 1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%Page: 1 1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] pw = 595.0, pl = 842.0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] PageLeft = 0.0, PageRight = 595.0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] PageTop = 842.0, PageBottom = 0.0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] foomatic-rip version $Revision: $ running...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Parsing PPD file ...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 foomatic-rip"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option ColorSpace
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option PageSize
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option PageRegion
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option ImageableArea
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option PaperDimension
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option InputSlot
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option Manual
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option FaceUp
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option MediaType
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option Duplex
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option Resolution
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option TonerSaving
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option Model
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option Collate
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option Copies
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option Landscape
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option RITOff
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Added option Font
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Parameter Summary
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] -----------------
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Spooler: cups
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Printer: GsA4
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] PPD file: /etc/cups/ppd/GsA4.ppd
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Printer model: Epson LP-2200 Foomatic/eplaser-jp (recommended)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Job title: Test Page
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] File(s) to be printed: 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] <STDIN>
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] ================================================
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] File: <STDIN>
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] ================================================
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Reading PostScript input ...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] --> This document is DSC-conforming!
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] -----------
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginProlog
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%EndProlog
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] -----------
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginSetup
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Copies 1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: Copies=1 --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Copies=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: Copies=1 --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginFeature: *PageRegion A4
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: PageRegion=A4 --> Option will be set by PostScript interpreter
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginFeature: *InputSlot Auto
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: InputSlot=Auto --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: InputSlot=Auto
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: InputSlot=Auto --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Resolution 600x600dpi
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: Resolution=600x600dpi --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Resolution=600x600dpi
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: Resolution=600x600dpi --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Duplex None
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: Duplex=None --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Duplex=None
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: Duplex=None --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginFeature: *MediaType Plain
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: MediaType=Plain --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: MediaType=Plain
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: MediaType=Plain --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Landscape False
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: Landscape=False --> Correcting numerical/string option to Landscape=0 (Command line argument)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Collate False
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: Collate=False --> Correcting numerical/string option to Collate=0 (Command line argument)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginFeature: *FaceUp False
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: FaceUp=False --> Correcting numerical/string option to FaceUp=0 (Command line argument)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginFeature: *RITOff False
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: RITOff=False --> Correcting numerical/string option to RITOff=0 (Command line argument)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Manual False
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: Manual=False --> Correcting numerical/string option to Manual=0 (Command line argument)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%BeginFeature: *TonerSaving False
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Option: TonerSaving=False --> Correcting numerical/string option to TonerSaving=0 (Command line argument)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found: %%EndSetup
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Inserting PostScript code for CUPS' page accounting
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] -----------
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] New page:  1 1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Inserting option code into "PageSetup" section.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] No page header or page header not DSC-conforming
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 0 %%EOF
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Saw EOF!
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Stopping search for page header options
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Found:
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] pageHeight sub			% Move down...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] --> Output goes directly to the renderer now.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] Starting renderer
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] JCL: <job data> 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] renderer PID kid4=5930
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] renderer command: gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE  -dCasset=0 -r600x600 -sDEVICE=lp2200 -dNumCopies=1   -sOutputFile=- -
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] LANGUAGE = (unset),
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] LC_ALL = (unset),
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] LANG = "en"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] are supported and installed on your system.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:34 +0900] [Job 17] foomatic-gswrapper: gs '-dBATCH' '-dPARANOIDSAFER' '-dNOPAUSE' '-dCasset=0' '-r600x600' '-sDEVICE=lp2200' '-dNumCopies=1' '-sOutputFile=/dev/fd/3' '/dev/fd/0' 3>&1 1>&2
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:35 +0900] [Job 17] ESP Ghostscript 7.07 (2003-07-12)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:35 +0900] [Job 17] Copyright 2003 artofcode LLC and Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:35 +0900] [Job 17] This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] AcceptClient: 6 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] CloseClient: 6
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] AcceptClient: 6 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] [Job 17] Loading NimbusSanL-Bold font from /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts/n019004l.pfb... 2134132 736828 1702808 401164 0 done.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] [Job 17] Loading NimbusSanL-Regu font from /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts/n019003l.pfb... 2231180 828289 1702808 405750 0 done.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] [Job 17] Loading NimbusRomNo9L-Regu font from /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts/n021003l.pfb... 2368420 935054 1702808 352585 0 done.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] [Job 17] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] [Job 17] Closing renderer
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] [Job 17] Loading NimbusSanL-BoldItal font from /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts/n019024l.pfb... 2485564 1039190 1783192 399610 0 done.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] [Job 17] KID3 exited with status 0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:37 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:37 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:37 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:37 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:37 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:37 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:37 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:37 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:37 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:37 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:42 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:47 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:04:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:14 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:14 +0900] ReadClient: 8 GET /printers HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:14 +0900] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - PID = 5995
I [29/Jan/2007:10:05:14 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=5995)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:14 +0900] SendCommand: 8 file=10
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] AcceptClient: 9 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] AcceptClient: 11 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] CloseClient: 9
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] CloseClient: 11
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:17 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:20 +0900] ReadClient: 8 GET /printers/GsA4 HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:20 +0900] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - PID = 6001
I [29/Jan/2007:10:05:20 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=6001)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:20 +0900] SendCommand: 8 file=10
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] AcceptClient: 9 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] CloseClient: 9
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] AcceptClient: 9 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ReadClient: 9 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:22 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:22 +0900] CloseClient: 9
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:22 +0900] ReadClient: 8 GET /images/show-completed.gif HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:22 +0900] SendError: 8 code=304 (Not Modified)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:22 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:22 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:22 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:22 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:25 +0900] ReadClient: 8 GET /jobs/?op=cancel-job&job_id=17&job_printer_uri=/printers/GsA4 HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:25 +0900] SendError: 8 code=401 (Unauthorized)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:25 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:27 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:27 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:32 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:37 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:37 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:37 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:37 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:37 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:37 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:39 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:39 +0900] ReadClient: 8 GET /jobs/?op=cancel-job&job_id=17&job_printer_uri=/printers/GsA4 HTTP/1.1
E [29/Jan/2007:10:05:40 +0900] IsAuthorized: pam_authenticate() returned 7 (Authentication failure)!
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:40 +0900] SendError: 8 code=401 (Unauthorized)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:40 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:42 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:47 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:51 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:51 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:51 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:51 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:52 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:52 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:52 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:52 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:52 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:52 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:52 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:52 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:52 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:52 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:52 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:52 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:52 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:56 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:56 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:56 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:56 +0900] AcceptClient: 10 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:56 +0900] ReadClient: 10 GET /jobs/?op=cancel-job&job_id=17&job_printer_uri=/printers/GsA4 HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi started - PID = 6036
I [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=6036)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] SendCommand: 10 file=12
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:05:57 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:00 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:00 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST /jobs HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:00 +0900] SendError: 8 code=401 (Unauthorized)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:00 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:00 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:00 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST /jobs HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:00 +0900] CancelJob: id = 17
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:00 +0900] StopJob: id = 17, force = 0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:00 +0900] StopJob: printer state is 3
I [29/Jan/2007:10:06:00 +0900] Job 17 was cancelled by 'root'.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:00 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:00 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:03 +0900] ReadClient: 10 GET /printers/GsA4 HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:03 +0900] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - PID = 6048
I [29/Jan/2007:10:06:03 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=6048)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:03 +0900] SendCommand: 10 file=8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:04 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:04 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:04 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:04 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:04 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:04 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:04 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:04 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:07 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ReadClient: 10 GET /printers/GsA4?op=print-test-page HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - PID = 6054
I [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=6054)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] SendCommand: 10 file=8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] AcceptClient: 11 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST /printers/GsA4 HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] print_job: request file type is application/postscript.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] check_quotas: requesting-user-name = ''
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] print_job: requesting-user-name = ''
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] Adding default job-sheets values "none,none"...
I [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] Adding start banner page "none" to job 18.
I [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] Adding end banner page "none" to job 18.
I [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] Job 18 queued on 'GsA4' by ''.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] Job 18 hold_until = 0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob(18, 0x80ade28)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob() id = 18, file = 0/1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] job-sheets=none,none
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] banner_page = 0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: argv = "GsA4","18","","Test Page","1","","/var/spool/cups/d00018-001"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[0]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/bin:/usr/bin"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[1]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.1"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[2]="USER=root"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[3]="CHARSET=utf-8"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[4]="LANG=ja"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[5]="TZ=Asia/Tokyo"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[6]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/GsA4.ppd"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[7]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[8]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[9]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[10]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[11]="DEVICE_URI=parallel:/dev/unknown-parallel0"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[12]="PRINTER=GsA4"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[13]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[14]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[15]="CUPS_SERVER=localhost"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: statusfds = [ 12 13 ]
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 14 -1 ]
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: filter = "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ 15 16 ]
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops", 0xbffefc40, 0xbffeefb0, 14, 16, 13)
I [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 6055) for job 18.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: filter = "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 14 17 ]
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip", 0xbffefc40, 0xbffeefb0, 15, 17, 13)
I [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 6056) for job 18.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: backend = "/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ -1 15 ]
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel", 0xbffefc40, 0xbffeefb0, 14, 15, 13)
I [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 6057) for job 18.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] CloseClient: 11
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] Page = 595x842; 0,0 to 595,842
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] slowcollate=0, slowduplex=0, sloworder=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%Pages: 1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%LanguageLevel: 1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset testprint/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Times-Roman
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%Creator: Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%CreationDate: May 11, 1999
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%Title: Test Page
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%EndComments
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%BeginProlog
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%BeginResource procset testprint 1.1 0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%EndResource
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%EndProlog
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%Page: 1 1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%Page: 1 1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] pw = 595.0, pl = 842.0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] PageLeft = 0.0, PageRight = 595.0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] PageTop = 842.0, PageBottom = 0.0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] LANGUAGE = (unset),
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] LC_ALL = (unset),
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] LANG = "ja"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] are supported and installed on your system.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] [Job 18] perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] foomatic-rip version $Revision: $ running...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Parsing PPD file ...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 foomatic-rip"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option ColorSpace
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option PageSize
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option PageRegion
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option ImageableArea
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option PaperDimension
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option InputSlot
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option Manual
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option FaceUp
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option MediaType
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option Duplex
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option Resolution
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option TonerSaving
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option Model
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option Collate
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option Copies
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option Landscape
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option RITOff
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Added option Font
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Parameter Summary
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] -----------------
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Spooler: cups
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Printer: GsA4
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] PPD file: /etc/cups/ppd/GsA4.ppd
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Printer model: Epson LP-2200 Foomatic/eplaser-jp (recommended)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Job title: Test Page
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] File(s) to be printed: 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] <STDIN>
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] ================================================
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] File: <STDIN>
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] ================================================
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Reading PostScript input ...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] --> This document is DSC-conforming!
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] -----------
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginProlog
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%EndProlog
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] -----------
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginSetup
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Copies 1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: Copies=1 --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Copies=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: Copies=1 --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginFeature: *PageRegion A4
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: PageRegion=A4 --> Option will be set by PostScript interpreter
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginFeature: *InputSlot Auto
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: InputSlot=Auto --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: InputSlot=Auto
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: InputSlot=Auto --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Resolution 600x600dpi
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: Resolution=600x600dpi --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Resolution=600x600dpi
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: Resolution=600x600dpi --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Duplex None
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: Duplex=None --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Duplex=None
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: Duplex=None --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginFeature: *MediaType Plain
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: MediaType=Plain --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: MediaType=Plain
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: MediaType=Plain --> Setting option
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Landscape False
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: Landscape=False --> Correcting numerical/string option to Landscape=0 (Command line argument)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Collate False
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: Collate=False --> Correcting numerical/string option to Collate=0 (Command line argument)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginFeature: *FaceUp False
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: FaceUp=False --> Correcting numerical/string option to FaceUp=0 (Command line argument)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginFeature: *RITOff False
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: RITOff=False --> Correcting numerical/string option to RITOff=0 (Command line argument)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Manual False
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: Manual=False --> Correcting numerical/string option to Manual=0 (Command line argument)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%BeginFeature: *TonerSaving False
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Option: TonerSaving=False --> Correcting numerical/string option to TonerSaving=0 (Command line argument)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found: %%EndSetup
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Inserting PostScript code for CUPS' page accounting
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] -----------
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] New page:  1 1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Inserting option code into "PageSetup" section.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] No page header or page header not DSC-conforming
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 0 %%EOF
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Saw EOF!
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Stopping search for page header options
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Found:
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] pageHeight sub			% Move down...
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] --> Output goes directly to the renderer now.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] Starting renderer
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] JCL: <job data> 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] renderer PID kid4=6064
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] renderer command: gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE  -dCasset=0 -r600x600 -sDEVICE=lp2200 -dNumCopies=1   -sOutputFile=- -
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] LANGUAGE = (unset),
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] LC_ALL = (unset),
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] LANG = "ja"
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] are supported and installed on your system.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:12 +0900] [Job 18] foomatic-gswrapper: gs '-dBATCH' '-dPARANOIDSAFER' '-dNOPAUSE' '-dCasset=0' '-r600x600' '-sDEVICE=lp2200' '-dNumCopies=1' '-sOutputFile=/dev/fd/3' '/dev/fd/0' 3>&1 1>&2
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:13 +0900] [Job 18] ESP Ghostscript 7.07 (2003-07-12)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:13 +0900] [Job 18] Copyright 2003 artofcode LLC and Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:13 +0900] [Job 18] This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:13 +0900] [Job 18] Loading NimbusSanL-Bold font from /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts/n019004l.pfb... 2134132 736828 1702808 401164 0 done.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:14 +0900] [Job 18] Loading NimbusSanL-Regu font from /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts/n019003l.pfb... 2231180 828289 1702808 405750 0 done.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:14 +0900] [Job 18] Loading NimbusRomNo9L-Regu font from /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts/n021003l.pfb... 2368420 935054 1702808 352585 0 done.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:14 +0900] [Job 18] 
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:14 +0900] [Job 18] Closing renderer
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:14 +0900] [Job 18] Loading NimbusSanL-BoldItal font from /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts/n019024l.pfb... 2485564 1039190 1783192 399610 0 done.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:14 +0900] [Job 18] KID3 exited with status 0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:06:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] CloseClient: 10
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:07:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:08:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:09:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:10:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:11:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 GET /printers/GsA4 HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - PID = 6449
I [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=6449)
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] SendCommand: 5 file=10
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] AcceptClient: 11 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 11 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] CloseClient: 11
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:37 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] CloseClient: 8
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:42 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:47 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:51 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:12:56 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:01 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:06 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:11 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:12 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:16 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:21 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:22 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:26 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:31 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:36 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:41 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] CloseClient: 5
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=0
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ReadClient: 6 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [29/Jan/2007:10:13:46 +0900] ProcessIPPRequest: 6 status_code=1

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